Mauritius: Releases

-03/12/12  Mauritius' National Day;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC

-09/13/11  Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon Overview; Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-06/06/11   The 2011 African Growth and Opportunity Act Forum  [753 Kb]
-04/14/11  FY2012 Budget Request for U.S. Policies on Africa;  Assistant Secretary Johnnie Carson, Bureau of African Affairs; Senate Foreign Relations Committee Subcommittee on African Affairs; Washington, DC

-09/24/10  Remarks to the Press from UNGA;  Assistant Secretary Johnnie Carson, Bureau of African Affairs; New York City
-06/14/10  U.S. Priorities for sub-Saharan Africa;  Assistant Secretary Johnnie Carson, Bureau of African Affairs; Diplomacy Briefing Series: Conference on sub-Saharan Africa; Washington, DC
-05/25/10  Celebrating "Africa Day": The 47th Anniversary of the Founding of the Organization of African Unity;  Assistant Secretary Johnnie Carson, Bureau of African Affairs; Remarks at the African Diplomatic Corp Dinner, Ritz Carlton Hotel; Washington, DC
-04/02/10  U.S. Department of State Contributes $200 Million to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ; Office of the Spokesman; Washington, DC
-03/24/10  U.S. Policy in sub-Saharan Africa;  Assistant Secretary Johnnie Carson, Bureau of African Affairs; Washington, DC
-02/25/10  Strengthening the United States Relationship With Africa;  Assistant Secretary Johnnie Carson, Bureau of African Affairs; At The Embassy of the Republic of Ghana; Washington, DC

2009 Press Releases
-11/25/09  Remarks To The African Diplomatic Corps;  Assistant Secretary Johnnie Carson, Bureau of African Affairs; Washington, DC
-10/01/09  Remarks at the Corporate Council on Africa's Seventh Biennial U.S.-Africa Business Summit ;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington Convention Center; Washington, DC
-08/05/09  Remarks at Launch of the Bilateral Investment Treaty with Mauritius;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Intercontinental Hotel; Nairobi, Kenya
-08/05/09  United States Launches Investment Treaty Negotiations with Mauritius; Office of the Spokesman; Washington, DC


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