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External Compliance and Complaints Program

(Ensuring Compliance With Non-Discrimination Requirements)

The External Compliance and Complaints Program is designed to ensure that recipients of EPA financial assistance and others comply with the relevant non-discrimination requirements under federal law. When a complaint of discrimination is filed with EPA alleging a violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or one of the other non-discrimination statutes listed below, OCR's External Complaints and Compliance Program staff Processes.

EPA's regulations give an applicant for, or a recipient of, EPA financial assistance the right to request a hearing before EPA's Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) if OCR determines that the applicant or recipient is not in compliance with EPA's nondiscrimination regulations. 40 C.F.R. § 7.130(b). Upon receipt of a request for a hearing, the ALJ is required to send the applicant or recipient a copy of the ALJ's procedures for Title VI hearings (PDF) (18 pp, 115K, About PDF). In addition, when OCR determines that an applicant or recipient has engaged in discrimination in violation of Title VI and of Part 7, OCR will enclose with its determination a copy of the procedures. This will inform the recipient of EPA's rules of practice and procedure for appeal of such a determination to the ALJ. For further information, click on this link to the OALJ web site, where the Part 7 procedures are also posted.

Inquires involving EPA's External Compliance program policies, complaints and external investigations may be directed to:

US Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Civil Rights (1201A)
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20460
(202) 564-7272 (voice)
(202) 565-0196 (fax)

EPA's Office of Civil Rights

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