FY 2011 Homeland Security Grant Program

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Program Overview

The Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) provides a primary funding mechanism for building and sustaining national preparedness capabilities.  HSGP is comprised of five interconnected grant programs:

  • State Homeland Security Program (SHSP)
  • Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI)
  • Operation Stonegarden (OPSG)
  • Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS)
  • Citizen Corps Program (CCP)

Together, these grant programs fund a range of preparedness activities, including planning, organization, equipment purchase, training, exercises, and management and administration.

State Homeland Security Program

Total Funding Available in FY 2011:  $526,874,100

Purpose: The FY 2011 SHSP provides funding to support the implementation of State Homeland Security Strategies to address the identified planning, organization, equipment, training, and exercise needs at the state and local levels to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism and other catastrophic events. SHSP also provides funding to implement initiatives in the State Preparedness Report.  Consistent with the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Act of 2007 (Public Law 110-53) (“hereafter “9/11 Act”), states are required to ensure that at least 25 percent (25%) of SHSP appropriated funds are dedicated towards law enforcement terrorism prevention-oriented planning, organization, training, exercise, and equipment activities, including those activities which support the development and operation of fusion centers.  

Eligible Applicants: The State Administrative Agency (SAA) is the only entity eligible to apply to FEMA for SHSP funds.  Recipients include all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Awards: FY 2011 SHSP allocations will be made based on three factors:  minimum amounts as legislatively mandated, DHS’ risk methodology, and effectiveness. Each state and territory will receive a minimum allocation under SHSP using the thresholds established in the 9/11 Act. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico will receive 0.355 percent of the total funds allocated for grants under Section 2004 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. §101 et seq.), as amended by the 9/11 Act. Four territories (American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) will receive a minimum allocation of 0.08 percent of the total funds allocated for grants under Section 2004 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, as amended by the 9/11 Act. Per the 9/11 Act, states are required to ensure that at least 25 percent (25%) of SHSP appropriated funds are dedicated towards law enforcement terrorism prevention activities.

Urban Areas Security Initiative

Total Funding Available in FY 2011:  $662,622,100

Purpose:  The UASI Program provides funding to address the unique planning, organization, equipment, training, and exercise needs of high-threat, high-density urban areas, and assists them in building an enhanced and sustainable capacity to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism. Per the 9/11 Act, states are required to ensure that at least 25 percent (25%) of UASI appropriated funds are dedicated towards law enforcement terrorism prevention activities.

Eligible Applicants:  The SAA is the only entity eligible to apply to FEMA for UASI funds.  The 31 high risk urban areas eligible for funding under the FY 2011 UASI program are the only urban areas that may apply.

Program Awards:  The 11 highest risk urban areas, designated Tier I urban areas, will be eligible for $540,696,100. The remaining 20 Urban Areas, designated Tier II urban areas, will be eligible for $121,926,000. Funds will be allocated based on DHS’ risk methodology and effectiveness.

Operation Stonegarden

Total Funding Available in FY 2011: $54,890,000

Purpose: The OPSG Program provides funding to enhance cooperation and coordination among local, tribal, territorial, state, and federal law enforcement agencies in a joint mission to secure the United States’ borders along routes of ingress from international borders to include travel corridors in states bordering Mexico and Canada, as well as states and territories with international water borders.

Eligible Applicants: The SAA is the only entity eligible to apply to FEMA for OPSG funds.  Local units of government at the county level and federally-recognized tribal governments in the states bordering Canada (including Alaska), southern states bordering Mexico, and states and territories with International water borders may apply for FY 2011 OPSG funds through their SAA.

Program Awards:  FY 2011 OPSG allocations will be made competitively to designated localities within U.S. border states based on risk analysis and the anticipated feasibility and effectiveness of proposed investments by the applicants.

Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS) Program

Total Funding Available in FY 2011:  $34,929,932

Purpose: The MMRS Program provides funding to support the integration of emergency management, health, and medical systems into a coordinated response to mass casualty incidents caused by any hazard. Successful MMRS grantees reduce the consequences of a mass casualty incident during the initial period of a response by having augmented existing local operational response systems before an incident occurs.

Eligible Applicants: The SAA is the only entity eligible to apply to FEMA for MMRS funds.  The 124 MMRS jurisdictions eligible for funding under the FY 2011 MMRS Program are the only jurisdictions that may apply.

Program Awards: Each of the 124 MMRS jurisdictions will receive $281,693 to establish or sustain local capabilities. 

Citizen Corps Program

Total Funding Available in FY 2011: $9,980,000

Purpose: CCP provides funding to bring community and government leaders together to coordinate the involvement of community members and organizations in emergency preparedness, planning, mitigation, response, and recovery. 

Eligible Applicants: The SAA is the only entity eligible to apply to FEMA for CCP funds.  Recipients for the CCP include all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Program Awards: FY 2011 CCP allocations will be determined using a formula, which specifies that all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico will receive a minimum of 0.75 percent (.75%) of the total available grant funding, and that four territories (American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) will receive a minimum of 0.25 percent (.25%) of the total available grant funding.  The balance of CCP funds will be distributed on a population-match basis.  In addition to CCP allocations, states and urban areas are encouraged to fully leverage HSGP resources to accomplish the Citizen Corps mission.

Additional Information

  • FY 2011 HSGP Guidance and Application Kit (PDF 905KB, TXT 224KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP Award Administration Information (PDF 340KB, TXT 56KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP FAQs (PDF 73KB, TXT 10KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP Fact Sheet (PDF 130KB, TXT 7KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP Investment Justification Planning Worksheet (PDF 406KB, TXT 38KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP OPSG Operations Order Template (PDF 32KB, TXT 3KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP Checklist (PDF 22KB, TXT 2KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP Supplemental Resource: Baseline Capabilities for State and Major Urban Area Fusion Centers (PDF 3.2MB, TXT 214KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP Supplemental Resource: Children in Disasters Guidance (PDF 178KB, TXT 42KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP Supplemental Resource: Cyber Security Guidance (PDF 95KB, TXT 20KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP Supplemental Resource: DHS Risk Lexicon Guidance (PDF 911KB, TXT 140KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP Supplemental Resource: DNDO Prevention Radiological/Nuclear Detection Guidance (PDF 486KB, TXT 57KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP Supplemental Resource: Integrated Public Alert and Warning Guidance (PDF 197KB, TXT 29KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP Supplemental Resource: Law Enforcement Information Sharing Service Guidance (PDF 63KB, TXT 3KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP Supplemental Resource: National Information Exchange Guidance (PDF 109KB, TXT 7KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP Supplemental Resource: ND Grants Grantee Registration Instructions (PDF 607KB, TXT 2KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP Supplemental Resource: ND Grants Online Grantee Tutorials (PDF 59KB, TXT 3KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP Supplemental Resource: Office of Health Affairs Guidance (PDF 104KB, TXT 27KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP Supplemental Resource: Privacy Office Guidance (PDF 662KB, TXT 107KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP Review of DHS’ Approach to Risk Analysis Guidance (PDF 1.1MB, TXT 401KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP Supplemental Resource: SAFECOM Guidance (PDF 476KB, TXT 68KB)
  • FY 2011 HSGP Supplemental Resource: Support for Public-Private Collaboration (PDF 68KB, TXT 16KB)

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Last Updated: 
06/14/2012 - 09:33
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