FY 2009 Homeland Security Grant Program

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Program Overview

A core mission of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is to enhance the ability of State, local, and tribal governments to prepare, prevent, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks and other disasters. The Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is a primary funding mechanism for building and sustaining national preparedness capabilities. HSGP is comprised of four separate grant programs:

Together, these grants fund a range of preparedness activities, including planning, organization, equipment purchase, training, exercises, and management and administration costs.

HSGP Funding Distribution - FY 2009
Homeland Security Grant Program FY 2009
Urban Areas Security Initiative $798,631,250
State Homeland Security Program $861,137,000
Metropolitan Medical Response System $39,831,404
Citizen Corps Program $14,572,500
Total $1,714,172,154

State Homeland Security Program


Total Funding Available in FY 2009:  $861.1 Million

Purpose:  This core assistance program provides funds to build capabilities at the State and local levels and to implement the goals and objectives included in State homeland security strategies and initiatives in the State Preparedness Report.

Eligible Applicants:  Eligible entities for SHSP are all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Urban Areas Security Initiative

Total Funding Available in FY 2009:  $798.6 Million

Purpose:   The UASI program focuses on enhancing regional preparedness in major metropolitan areas. The UASI program directly supports the National Priority on expanding regional collaboration in the National Preparedness Guidelines and is intended to assist participating jurisdictions in developing integrated regional systems for prevention, protection, response, and recovery.

Eligible Applicants:   The 62 highest risk Urban Areas are eligible for funding under the FY 2009 UASI program.

Metropolitan Medical Response System

Total Funding Available in FY 2009:  $39.8 million

Purpose:  The MMRS supports the integration of emergency management, health, and medical systems into a coordinated response to mass casualty incidents caused by any hazard. Successful MMRS grantees reduce the consequences of a mass casualty incident during the initial period of a response by having augmented existing local operational response systems before the incident occurs.

Eligible Applicants:  As with previous years, 124 cities are eligible for MMRS funding.

Citizen Corps Program

Total Funding Available in FY 2009:  $14.6 million

Purpose: The Citizen Corps mission is to bring community and government leaders together to coordinate community involvement in emergency preparedness, planning, mitigation, response and recovery.

Eligible Applicants:  CCP eligibility mirrors that of SHSP: all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Additional Information


  • FY 2009 HSGP Overview
    (PDF 99 KB , TXT 7 KB )
  • FY 2009 HSGP FAQs
    (PDF 48 KB , TXT 4 KB)
  • FY 2009 HSGP Guidance and Application Kit
    (PDF 359 KB ,   TXT 217 KB)
  • FY 2009 HSGP Investment Justification User's Reference Guide
    (PDF1762 KB,  DOC 599KB, TXT 28KB)
  • FY 2009 HSGP Supplemental Resource: Geospatial Guidance
    (PDF 111 KB, TXT 22KB )
  • FY 2009 HSGP Supplemental Resource: Baseline Capabilities for State and Major Urban Area Fusion Centers
    (PDF 89 KB, TXT 9KB )
  • FY 2009 HSGP Supplemental Resource: Domestic Nuclear Detection Guidance
    (PDF 91 KB, TXT  12KB )
  • FY 2009 HSGP Supplemental Resource: Cyber Security Guidance
    (PDF 102 KB, TXT 19KB )
  • Recommended Federal Interoperable Communications Grant Guidance Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 [SAFECOM]
    (PDF 265 KB, TXT 99KB )

Historical HSGP Guidance

  • FY 2007 HSGP Guidance and Application Kit (PDF 515 KB
  • FY 2006 HSGP Guidance and Application Kit (PDF 1.2 MB
  • FY 2005 HSGP Guidance and Application Kit (PDF 640 KB
  • FY 2004 HSGP Guidance and Application Kit (PDF 363 KB
Last Updated: 
06/14/2012 - 08:12
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