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If the NN/LM MCR Has a Disaster

When the NN/LM MidContinental Region experiences a disaster or a significant emergency in Salt Lake City or at one of the Resource Libraries, a message will be sent out via the MCMLA listserv. The message will describe the nature of the emergency, the regional offices that have been affected and other known information. Updates will be provided on the MCR Blog and sent out over the MCMLA listserv. You can still contact the RML at 1-800-DevRoks (338-7657) and use the MCMLA listserv ( for messages.

If the MCR office in Salt Lake City and ALL the Resource Libraries in the region have been affected by the emergency, RML services will be provided by the NN/LM New England Region at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. The MCR staff may not be regularly checking email or voice mail during a region-wide disaster. Please direct all RML-related or time-sensitive communications to the New England Region. Members can continue to use the toll-free number, 1-800-DevRoks (338-7657), which will be redirected to the New England Region office. To communicate directly with the New England Region office, use the following:

Phone: 508-856-5979


Fax: 508-856-5977

The New England Region will provide DOCLINE, LinkOut, and PubMed support for MCR member libraries. A complete staff directory with contact information can be found at