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The “10-Step Approach to Service Continuity Planning” class is one of three primary components of NNLM’s Emergency Preparedness & Response Plan.  While the focus of the class is on enabling libraries to maintain their information services to their patrons in the event of an emergency or disaster, the class also includes information about developing basic personal safety procedures as well as how to get help to mitigate the damage to collections after a disaster.

If you are interested in hosting or attending a “10-Step Approach” class, or in receiving other assistance in emergency preparedness, please contact your regional NN/LM office (1-800-338-7657), or contact the toolkit administrators, Dan Wilson ( or Susan Yowell (

New: Virtual 10-Step Approach to Service Continuity Planning

Supporting Materials (Please print these off before viewing the virtual presentation):

Introduction (1:09)

Step 1:  Assess risks (5:35)

Step 2: Protect yourself, your staff, and your patrons (2:35)

Assignment: Create or update response procedures for potential risks.

Step 3:  Create procedures to ensure continuation of core services (1:35)

Assignment: Identify your core services and create procedures for continuing these services from a remote location.

Step 4:  Create procedures to ensure access to core materials (1:18)

Assignment: Maximize emergency power for your servers and identify core print materials (label or locate them together).

Step 5:  Develop a Mutual Aid Agreement with another library or network (0:30)

Assignment: Establish a mutual aid agreement with a library you’re used to working with for backup help for core services provision.

Step 6:  Proactively plan for the rescue and recovery of your highly valued materials (0:52)

Assignment: Schedule an appointment with a local preservationist and a national salvage company to discuss recovery of highly valued materials.

Step 7:  Develop a communication plan (0:34)

Assigment: Develop a communication plan.  Build in redundancy in the event that your primary means of communicating is not available.

Step 8:  Know how to obtain outside assistance (0:25)

Assignment: Obtain contact information for outside assistance.

Step 9:  Develop a PReP for Service Continuity (1:11)

Assignment: Put everything from Steps 1 through 8 into a one-page PReP (Pocket Response Plan).

Step 10:  Be prepared at home (1:41)

Assignment: Make sure that everyone responsible for service continuity in your library has a 72-hour emergency response kit at home.

Final Assignment: Test out your plan by conducting a table-top exercise.  

Class materials for instructors:

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