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Awards of Excellence

The Neighborhood Watch Awards of Excellence Program was established by the National Sheriffs' Association (NSA) in 2004 to recognize and honor those law enforcement agencies, Neighborhood Watches, states, organizations, and programs that are doing extraordinary things to promote Neighborhood Watches (NW) in their communities. These awards are based upon data collected and verified by the National Sheriffs' Association.

Awards of Excellence Nomination Forms

( PDF | Word Document )


Any law enforcement agency, Neighborhood Watch, organization, or program that has made an exceptional contribution to the Neighborhood Watch program based on the categories listed below, and nominated, are eligible to receive an award. There are no restrictions on who may submit nominations. Awards may also be initiated and selected by the National Sheriffs’ Association. All nominations must include the name of the person(s) who could be present at an awards ceremony to accept the award, should that person(s) be presented with an award. Only those individuals/offices that are active (ie, registered) in the National Sheriffs’ Association USAonWatch database are eligible.

Categories and Criteria:

Law Enforcement Agency – The awards is presented to the Sheriff’s Office and/or Police Departments that have registered programs on USAonWatch and that demonstrate an unwavering commitment to Neighborhood Watch. Their commitment can be providing materials, training, officers/deputies time, resources, and encouragement.

Neighborhood Watch – Within each calendar year, one Neighborhood Watch group or program will receive the award for “Outstanding Neighborhood Watch.” Eligible programs are those that are innovative, demonstrate excellence, and are exemplary in their approach to involving citizens and/or the community in volunteerism. Criteria for eligibility may also include actions taken by the Neighborhood Watch that prevented criminal activities and made the community safer, such as getting a drug dealer of there street or helping to assist law enforcement in an arrest.

Other – From time to time there are exemplary corporations, states, and other organizations that should be recognized for there outstanding commitment to the program in a given year. This award would be at the discretion of the Neighborhood Watch Advisory Board and the National Sheriffs’ Association to be given out.

Judging, Guidelines, and Rules

Judging will be based on the selection of nominations that have fully and accurately completed the nomination form. Each member of the National Neighborhood Watch Advisory Board will be asked to look over the nominations and rank there top 5 choices in order of 1 to 5. Participation in the awards process and decisions regarding eligibility shall be at the sole and final discretion of the NSA.

Any nomination must clearly include name(s), address(es), phone number(s), and e-mail(s) of the nominator and of the nominee, one or two paragraphs explaining why the nominee deserves to receive the award, and a statement that the nominee is registered in the NSA USAonWatch database. If any part of the form is not filled out or the explanation is not attached, the nomination will not be considered. Nominations are accepted by e-mail, fax, and mail. 

Past Award Winners

Wondering what we look for in our awardee's then click the link above to learn about those who have won the award. You might get some great ideas for your own program or group.


The awards are presented at the National Sheriffs’ Association Annual Conference in June. Travel and reimbursements are paid through a grant from BJA.

Awards of Excellence Nomination Forms

( PDF | Word Document )

 There Are Three (3) Ways To Submit Nominations:
By Fax:
Download Form and fax to: (703) 683-6541

U.S. Mail:
Download Form and mail to:
National Sheriffs' Association
1450 Duke Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Attn: N.W. National Awards Program

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