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Computer Assisted Virtual Environment (CAVE)

Research is taking on another dimension in the Advanced Visualization Laboratory at CAES.

The laboratory contains a four-walled 3D computer assisted virtual environment - or CAVE TM — that allows scientists and engineers to literally walk into their data and examine it.

It also houses an IQ-Station, a portable 3-D system designed by staff at Idaho National Laboratory’s Center for Advanced Modeling and Simulation (CAMS).

With these systems, researchers can view their data in ways not possible on a traditional 2D computer screen.

CAES operates the CAVE as a user facility so that universities, government agencies and industry can use it to solve various technical problems.

How does the CAVE work?

The four-panel CAVE uses rear projection to display computer graphics on three walls and the floor. By wearing stereo glasses to create depth perception and holding a “wand” to manipulate and control data, users can tour a building under still under design, plot a new transmission route over terrain, open a valve or delve into the core of a nuclear reactor.


Center for Advanced Modeling Simulation (CAMS)
Eric Whiting
Acting Director
(208) 526-1433