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Selected EPA Opportunities

EPA Opportunities Announcements:
Chesapeake Bay Program Office Fiscal Year 2011 Request for Proposals for Sediment Reduction and Stream Corridor Restoration Analysis, Evaluation and Implementation Support to the Chesapeake Bay Program Partnership
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Chesapeake Bay Program Office (CBPO) is announcing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for recipients to provide the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) partners with sediment reduction and stream corridor restoration analysis, evaluation and implementation support of the CBP partnership in the advancement of the implementation of the most cost-effective, efficient, and targeted nutrient and sediment reduction actions for the protection and restoration of the Chesapeake Bay. CBP partners include federal agencies, seven watershed jurisdictions, and non-federal organizations; however, work funded under this RFP will support the seven watershed jurisdictions and other non-federal partners.

Deadline: August 8, 2011.
Regional Agricultural IPM Grants
EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP), in coordination with the EPA Regional Offices, announces the availability of approximately $500,000 for assistance agreements to further, through research, development, monitoring, public education, training, demonstrations, or studies, the adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approaches to reduce pesticide risk in production agriculture settings in the United States. IPM is a sustainable approach to managing pests by combining biological, cultural, physical, and chemical tools in a way that minimizes economic, health, and environmental risks.

Deadline: September 19, 2011.
FY 2012 National Environmental Information Exchange Network Grant Program
EPA, states, tribes, and territories, are working together to implement the Exchange Network (EN), a secure, Internet- and standards-based way to support electronic data reporting, sharing, and integration of both regulatory and non-regulatory environmental data. EN Partners exchanging data with each other or with EPA, should make the Exchange Network and the Agency's connection to it, the Central Data Exchange (CDX), the standard way they exchange data and should phase out any legacy methods they have been using. More information on the Exchange Network is available at www.exchangenetwork.net. The Exchange Network Grant Program provides funding to states, tribes, inter-tribal consortia and territories to develop and implement the information technology and information management capabilities they need to actively participate in the Exchange Network. This grant program supports the exchange of environmental data and collaborative work within the Exchange Network. Grantees may also use grant funds for the standardization, exchange and integration of geospatial information to support work to preserve and improve the environment, natural resources, and human health.

Deadline: November 4, 2011.
Southeastern U.S. Regional Targeted Watersheds Initiative
Region 4 of the EPA anticipates awarding 3 to 7 cooperative agreement to eligible entities which serve the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, or the Indian Tribes within the Region's boundaries. The Regional Targeted Watersheds Initiative, under the authority of the Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 104(b)(3), is designed to award grants to support studies of a series of possible approaches to watershed restoration to determine if those approaches produce short-term measurable environmental results in a watershed, or to support demonstration projects to test new and innovative approaches to water quality. For example, if a watershed organization identifies particular environmental threats or impairments to its waters, and proposes to look at a group or series of interrelated projects to address those impairments and includes measurement tools to achieve and judge their success, the proposal could be considered a study under Section 104(b)(3). Watershed restoration or other site-specific implementation projects are NOT eligible under this announcement. Activities involving the implementation of pollution control measures are eligible for funding only to the extent they are necessary to carry out the study or demonstration project(s). Activities involving wildlife are eligible only to the extent they are conducted as part of a study or demonstration relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reduction or elimination of water pollution. The EPA has chosen to declare certain projects or activities ineligible for funding. These include activities required or regulated under the CWA. For example, activities for the development of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) and Phase II Stormwater projects will not be funded. Activities implementing the non-regulatory component of TMDLs (e.g., the elements of a watershed plan that address non-point source pollution), however, are eligible.

Deadline: November 4, 2011.
Fiscal Year 2011 Environmental Education Sub-Grants Program
This RFP solicits grant proposals to support EPA's mission to promote environmental stewardship and help develop knowledgeable and responsible students, teachers, and citizens. Under this RFP, EPA expects to provide financial support to eligible recipients (as defined in Section III(A)) for the development and implementation of innovative projects whose primary focus is to make and manage sub-awards to organizations, other than their own, to design, demonstrate, and/or disseminate environmental education practices, methods, and/or techniques as described in this RFP. Proposals should provide information about how they will make sub-awards that educate diverse populations on environmental issues that especially affect their local communities, including but not limited to minority, low income and tribal communities. The National Environmental Education Act requires that 25% of all funds obligated under the EE Section 6 Grant Program in a fiscal year be for sub-grants of not more than $5,000. EPA plans to select one applicant in each of its 10 Regions to award and manage the sub-grants as described in this RFP. The amount available for each successful applicant under this program is approximately $150,000. Each regional recipient will be required to use exactly $92,273.50 of this amount for a minimum of 19 sub-awards of up to $5,000 each to entities that would qualify as eligible applicants, as defined in Section III(A). Grantees must establish methods to document and report measurable results from grant projects. To ensure that grant proposals are competitive, applicants should carefully read Sections IV and V regarding how to structure a proposal and ensure their proposal addresses the evaluation criteria and will have attainable, measurable results.

Deadline: November 8, 2011.
Fall 2012 EPA Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowships For Graduate Environmental Study
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Center for Environmental Research (NCER), invites applications for the Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowships for graduate environmental study for master�s and doctoral level students. The deadline is November 8, 2011 at 4:00 PM ET for receipt of paper applications, and November 8, 2011 at 11:59:59 PM ET for submittal of electronic applications via Grants.gov. Subject to availability of funding and other applicable considerations, the Agency plans to award approximately 80 new fellowships by July 31, 2012. Master's level students may receive support for a maximum of two years. Doctoral students may be supported for a maximum of three years, usable over a period of five years. The fellowship program provides up to $42,000 per year of support per fellowship. This amount covers a monthly stipend of $2,083 for up to 12 months totaling $25,000 for the year, $5,000 for authorized expenses, and up to $12,000 for tuition and fees. The actual amount awarded per year will vary depending on the amount of tuition and fees and the number of months the stipend is required. These fellowships are intended to help defray costs associated with advanced, environmentally-oriented study leading to a master's or doctoral degree.

Deadline: November 8, 2011.
Governors' Institute for Community Design, Request for Proposals (RFP)
The Office of Sustainable Communities (OSC) in U.S. EPA's Office of Policy is seeking proposals to conduct research and studies, analyze state policies and programs and create and deliver technical assistance programs to state leadership that are facing air and water pollution, land use and development challenges. This Request for Proposals (RFP) seeks to fund one applicant to operate the Governors' Institute for Community Design. The Institute will select and work with interested state leadership (governors, their cabinets and staffs) to deliver technical assistance that supports state efforts to implement smart growth and sustainable community development approaches that protect the environment, improve public health, facilitate job creation and economic opportunity, and improve overall quality of life.

Deadline: December 5, 2011.
Fall 2012 EPA Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) Fellowships For Undergraduate Environmental Study
The EPA, as part of its Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) Fellowships program, is offering Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) undergraduate fellowships for bachelor level students in environmental fields of study. See Section I.D for information on the different funding descriptions. The deadline for receipt of applications is December 12, 2011 4:00 PM ET for receipt of paper applications, and December 12, 2011, at 11:59:59 PM ET for submittal of electronic applications to Grants.gov. Subject to availability of funding, and other applicable considerations, the Agency plans to award approximately 40 new fellowships by July 30, 2012. Eligible students will receive support for their junior and senior years of undergraduate study and for an internship at an EPA facility during the summer of their junior year. The fellowship provides up to $19,700 per academic year of support and $9,500 of support for a three-month summer internship.

Deadline: December 12, 2011.
9th Annual P3 Awards: A National Student Design Competition for Sustainability Focusing on People, Prosperity and the Planet
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of the P3-People, Prosperity and the Planet Award Program, is seeking applications proposing to research, develop, and design solutions to real world challenges involving the overall sustainability of human society. The P3 competition highlights the use of scientific principles in creating innovative projects focused on sustainability. The P3 Awards program was developed to foster progress toward sustainability by achieving the mutual goals of economic prosperity, protection of the planet, and improved quality of life for its people-- people, prosperity, and the planet � the three pillars of sustainability. The EPA offers the P3 competition in order to respond to the technical needs of the world while moving towards the goal of sustainability. Please see the P3 website for more details about this program.

Deadline: December 22, 2011.
Activities That Reduce Global Anthropogenic Methane Emissions
This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits proposals for investigation, survey, study, training, and demonstration projects (eligible projects) that advance international near-term, cost-effective methane abatement and/or recovery and use as a clean energy source, and support the goals of the Global Methane Initiative. This funding opportunity is only for international activities in support of the Global Methane Initiative. Benefits to the U.S. will result from the mitigation in climate change emissions and the potential use of U.S. technologies and services in projects around the world

Deadline: January 19, 2012.
Environmental Justice Small Grants Program
The Environmental Justice Small Grants Program, supports and empowers communities working on solutions to local environmental and public health issues. The program assists recipients in building collaborative partnerships to help them understand and address environmental and public health issues in their communities. Successful collaborative partnerships involve not only well-designed strategic plans to build, maintain and sustain the partnerships, but also working towards addressing the local environmental and public health issues.

Deadline: February 29, 2012, 11:59am EST.

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Competition Guidance for Office of the Administrator Project Officers (PDF) (33 pp, 296K, About PDF)

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