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Buying Green Online: Greening Government E-Procurement of Office Supplies (PDF) (76 pp, 2.1 MB)
This report provides an overview of federal government office supply e-procurement initiatives and includes references to specific products and technologies.

Environmental Marketing Claims
A message to vendors from the EPA and the Federal Trade Commission about making "green" claims, and information about the Federal Trade Commission's Guides to the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims.

Federal Trade Commission's Guides to the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims (Green Guides)
The Green Guides, revised in May 1998, are intended to reduce consumer confusion and prevent false or misleading use of environmental terms in product advertising and labeling. The Green Guides indicate how the Federal Trade Commission will apply Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, which prohibits unfair or deceptive acts or practices, in environmental marketing claims. The Green Guides apply to all forms of product and service marketing to the public, including advertisements, labels, package inserts, promotional materials, and electronic media.

Greening Your Products: Good for the Environment, Good for Your Bottom Line (PDF) (52 pp, 692 KB)
This guidance document highlights opportunities to help vendors reduce their impact on the environment, while saving you money. The document focuses on two approaches for improvement - product improvement and process improvement.

Integrating Green Purchasing Into Your Environmental Management System
This document provides guidance to federal facilities as they integrate green purchasing into their Environmental Management System (EMS).

Javits-Wagner-O'Day (JWOD) Memorandum of Agreement (PDF) (11pp, 2.36MB, About PDF)
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) among participants in the JWOD program, the Department of Interior and the EPA to enter into a partnership to sell and to purchase products and services that have a reduced environmental impact.

Promoting Green Purchasing: Tools and Resources to Quantify the Benefits of EPP (PDF) (15 pp, 593 KB)
A brief listing of existing tools and resources to help Federal agencies quantify the environmental and other benefits of EPP decisions.

Qualitative Measurement of Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Among Federal Employees in 2000 (PDF) (61 pp, 328 KB)
Study that measured the awareness of environmentally preferable purchasing among Federal employees and the extent to which they practice environmentally preferable purchasing.

Selling Environmental Products to the Federal Government
Information to facilitate vendor access to the Federal marketplace and thereby increase the availability of environmental products to the Federal government.

Sorting Out Green Advertising Claims
The Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program, in conjunction with the Federal Trade Commission, developed these guidelines for advertisers to ensure that their environmental marketing claims do not mislead consumers.

Tips for Buying "Green" with a Government Credit Card
This document provides tips to help government credit card holders make "greener" choices when buying products, such as office supplies.

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