Programs & Activities


A Compact is a multi-year agreement between the Millennium Challenge Corporation and an eligible country to fund specific programs targeted at reducing poverty and stimulating economic growth.

Threshold Program

A Threshold Program agreement is a contract between the United States and an eligible country through which MCC provides financial assistance for targeted policy reform efforts. More


Activities are regions, sectors, and areas of interest that help focus and describe MCC’s poverty reduction work.

Featured Activity

Impact Evaluation

MCC is committed to conducting independent impact evaluations of its programs as an integral part of its focus on results.
African Growth & Opportunity Act (AGOA)
Approved by Congress in 2000, the African Growth and Opportunity Act, or AGOA, provides reforming African countries with access to the U.S. market. It supports U.S. businesses by encouraging Africa’s economic and commercial reforms.
Aid Effectiveness
Since its creation in 2004, MCC has been advancing and accelerating the conversation on aid effectiveness.
Beneficiary Analysis
Beneficiary Analysis is most commonly used to estimate the impact of projects on the poor, but it has broader applicability that allows a determination of impact on populations of particular interest, such as women, the aged, or children.
In November 2007, MCC published a working paper on the link between economic development and democracy.
Economic Rates of Return
MCC is making available its Economic Rate of Return (ERR) data via interactive, downloadable Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. the spreadsheets are unique to each project within a compact.
Environmental and Social Performance
MCC’s Environmental and Social Performance team works with partner countries to integrate internationally-accepted principles of environmental and social sustainability into the design and implementation of compacts.
Fighting Corruption
Controlling corruption a key indicator in selecting countries for compact eligibility and throughout the compact lifecycle. MCC—with the MCAs—promotes measures to prevent, detect and combat corruption before it occurs and to address problems after they emerge.
Food Security
With its partner countries in the lead, the MCC portfolio of investments has been on the forefront of addressing food security priorities since MCC’s first compact in 2005.
MCC recognizes that gender inequality is a significant constraint to economic growth and poverty reduction.
MCC recognizes that a healthy population–including reduced illness and increased life expectancy–is critical for achieving sustained economic growth and poverty reduction.
MCC recognizes the importance of investing in health to foster successful human and economic development.
Impact Evaluation
MCC is committed to conducting independent impact evaluations of its programs as an integral part of its focus on results.
MCC and the Millennium Development Goals
MCC plays an integral role in the U.S. Government’s pledge to assist countries in their efforts to achieve the MDGs and improve the lives of their people.
MCC and the U.S. Global Development Policy
MCC has six years of experience testing and implementing the principles of economic growth, strong policies, country-led plans and rigorous evaluation are essential to global stability and prosperity.
Open Government
MCC has been at the forefront of transparency in delivering aid.
Partnership for Growth
MCC and other U.S. Government agencies have joined together to coordinate Partnership for Growth (PFG), a partnership between the United States and a select group of high-performing developing countries to accelerate and sustain broad-based economic growth.
Press Freedom
MCC recognizes the importance of a free press to the economic and democratic development of a country.
Property Rights and Land Policy

Property Rights and Land Policy (PRLP) investments are designed to contribute to poverty reduction and economic growth by establishing secure and efficient access to land and property rights.

Water and Sanitation
Safe and reliable water systems are a vital component in fulfilling MCC’s mission of reducing poverty through economic growth around the world.