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Cultural Relevance in End-of-Life Care

Maori Statue at Cemetery
Maori statue at Maori Cemetery, New Zealand. Photo by Phyllis Coolen.

The discussion a health care provider, including physicians, advanced nurse practitioners, nurses, and social workers, has with a patient about end-of-life care is often a challenge.  The challenges can be influenced by a number of variables, such as the provider’s training and experience is this area, the provider’s comfort level in discussing the subject, and the availability of adequate time for having the discussion (Kamaka, 2010; Tait & Hodges, 2009).  A provider may be challenged further when the patient’s cultural norms differ from the health care provider’s, particularly around end-of-life care, which can impact the provision of quality end-of-life care.

This resource, authored by a community health and hospice clinician who has over 30 years’ experience with hospice care, addresses three major areas of cultural relevance in end-of-life care: cultural competency in clinical practice; advance directives; and pain management. The article presents several models for cultural assessment including questions and sample scripts for the health care provider to consider for discussions with patients.  Read more...

Recent FeaturesNoSmoking

Smoking Cessation and Cancer

New PDFs with information about ways that quitting smoking can help in cancer recovery, and quitline resources with contact information for different language lines. Handouts are geared to cancer survivors, but contains information useful to a general audience.

Quitting Smoking Can Help You Recover From Cancer

Khmer/English     Spanish/English     Vietnamese/English     Tigrinya/English

Get Help With Quitting Smoking

Khmer/English     Spanish/English     Vietnamese/English     Tigrinya/English

More languages coming soon.  For these handouts and links to other resources related to smoking cessation, visit our Smoking patient education page.

Toolkit for Primary Care Providers Treating Refugees

Toolkit Folder Label ImageThe Toolkit for Primary Care is designed to provide your clinic with:

  • Information about medical assessments and interventions that occur as part of the refugee resettlement process.
  • Tips on accessing your patient’s previous medical information.
  • Suggestions on health screening priorities in the primary care setting.
  • Links, referrals and other relevant information to provide health care to refugee patients.

The Toolkit was created by the Pathways to Wellness Program in conjunction with medical staff from Harborview Medical Center. Content was contributed and reviewed by: Mary Stasio, R.N., Dr. Genji Terasaki, Dr. Suzinne Pak-Gorstein, Dr. David Roesel and Dr. Joseph P. Sherman.  Note: Health screening for refugees entering their new communities differs across the United States.  The Toolkit for Primary Care was created in King County and reflects conditions solely in this community site. It may not be appropriate or accurate for your locale.  See guidelines on adapting the toolkit.

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Welcome to EthnoMed

EthnoMed contains information about cultural beliefs, medical issues and related topics pertinent to the health care of immigrants to Seattle or the US, many of whom are refugees fleeing war-torn parts of the world.

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Alert: Hep E outbreak

CDC has been notified of an outbreak of hepatitis E in the Dadaab refugee camps in Kenya. There have been no known cases tied to this outbreak reported in the US, but if you see a suspected case of hepatitis E, please report it to the health department of the patient’s county of residence.  Additional information can be found at Centers for Disease Control.

NWIRP Community Advisory

Northwest Immigrant Rights Project has issued an advisory about the President's June 15 announcement regarding deferred action for DREAMers.  Click here to visit NWIRP's resource page with the written advisory, videos in English and Spanish, and more information.