

A woman in Benin attends a water and sanitation training
A woman in Benin attends a water and sanitation training.
USAID / Sabina Malik


Flooding in Benin that began in late August had affected populations in the northern communes of Karimama, Malanville, and Segbana, as well as Pèrèrè commune in the east, as of late September.  In Karimama and Malanville communes, floods resulted in at least three deaths, displaced more than 16,000 people, and destroyed many homes and crops, according to relief agencies.  The Government of Benin (GoB) established 13 sites to host displaced people and provided more than 1,300 tents to address temporary shelter needs.  On September 13, the GoB appealed for international assistance to support additional relief operations in affected communities. 

On September 21, U.S. Ambassador Michael A. Raynor declared a disaster due to the effects of the floods.  In response, USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) provided $50,000 through USAID/Benin to Catholic Relief Services for water and sanitation assistance to increase affected populations’ access to safe drinking water. 



USAID/OFDA Assistance to Benin


Total USAID Assistance to Benin



Latest Benin Fact Sheet

USAID/DCHA Pounds of Prevention - West Africa (278kb PDF)

Humanitarian Assistance in Review, FY 2002 - 2011 (301kb PDF)

Related Sectors of Work 
Last updated: October 10, 2012


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