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Are you aware best practices for dealing with development entitlements. We need your help.

Read More, Take the Survey and enter to win an iPad (or equivalent value gift certificate).

In an increasingly complex world, how do you build community support for land-use planning and development? Read our new report on scenario planning and community collaboration.

Featured Opinion

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The Myth of Energy Independence

Wyoming's John Fenton explores the perilous pathway for American energy independence, and recommends setting a public interest standard. A good read.

Read the WYOfile opinion

Maria Baier - New CEO

Sonoran Institute Names Maria Baier CEO







The Sonoran Institute Board of Directors has appointed Maria Baier, formerly the Arizona State Land Commissioner, as its new chief executive officer (CEO).

Find out more about Maria
Read the news release

State Trust Lands


 Western Lands and Communities has launched a new web-based informational resource to support the exchange of ideas surrounding the management of state trust lands.

Browse the new site at:

Visit Our Sister Sites

Featured Webinar - Walkable Communities

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The Community Builders Network presents:

Building a Walkable Place: A Developer's Framework for Getting it Done
Featuring Jed Selby, Co-Founder and President of South Main Building Company

Please join us!
Thursday, March 28 2013, noon-1PM MDT (11AM-noon AZ)

Click Here for more information & registration 

New Report - RESET - Housing in the West

RESET-Report-cover---for-webRESET - Assessing the Future of Housing in the Rocky Mountain West

A new Sonoran Institute report focused on the future housing market of the American West. The 60-page report focuses on market trends in six communities in Montana, Idaho and Colorado. 

In an increasingly complex world, how do you build community support for land-use planning and development? Read our new report on scenario planning and community collaboration.

Featured Photo Gallery

Board of Directors tour the proposed Rosemont copper mine, near Sonoita, Arizona. Nov. 2012

Board of Directors tour proposed Rosemont copper mine area in AZ. Nov. 2012

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    We believe that meaningful change most often happens at the local level, and that conservation is a key component not only of our local quality of life, but also of local prosperity.

    Our collaborative and inclusive approach to conservation has never been more relevant.

    Amazing People. Amazing Work

    maria baier_photo

    I am thrilled and honored to write to you as the Sonoran Institute's new chief executive.Initial impressions? Our employees are amazing people doing amazing work. The passion and dedication of our all-star staff is truly awe inspiring. Our projects are rich and meaningful, our funders are committed, and the exceptional people serving on our board would be the envy of any large entity, public or private -- Maria Baier, CEO.

    Read our January 2013 WestWord - Winter Edition

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