The Mississippi Coastal Plain is a patchwork of diverse habitats and histories that can be found nowhere else in the world. These irreplaceable plant and animal communities include tidal and freshwater rivers, oxbows, tidal and freshwater marshes, pine savannas and flatwoods, upland pine forests, and bayhead forests and swamps. These ecosystems are inter-dependent, and they play essential roles in the quality of life in South Mississippi. These places are productive, fragile, and beautiful.

But our gulf, rivers, forests and rich agricultural land are more than just scenery – they’re also valuable resources that provide our communities with quality drinking water, local food sources, recreation, and places to relax and recharge.

Thanks to land preservation organizations called “Land Trusts,” land can be preserved for future generations through donation, conservation easements, or sale to the Land Trust. We welcome everyone, landowners and non-landowners, who share the stewardship ideals of the Land Trust to join with our organization to protect our great resources.

smwaterRecreational Trails

Among the many acres of land entrusted to the care of the Land Trust, there area certain tracts dedicated to recreational use.  We invite you to visit our various public properties to experience the unique trails and treasures they provide. Read more…

smteacherTeacher Resources

The Land Trust for the Mississippi Coastal Plain believes that part of our mission to conserve, promote and protect open spaces and green places includes fostering watershed stewardship in others – starting with our children. Read more…


Conserving, promoting and protecting open spaces and green places
of ecological, cultural or scenic significance in the counties
of the Mississippi Coastal Plain