Help Keep Our River Alive—and Have Your Contribution Doubled by the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation!

From now until December 12, donations/memberships accepted on FOSCR’s Facebook Fundraiser Page, “Keep Our River Alive,” will be matched by the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation! (Memberships will credited for 2017.)
During this holiday season of gratitude and giving back, please help keep our beautiful river and all its life thriving by clicking the link to our Facebook Page and making a contribution.

Thank you for your support!

Santa Cruz River in the Fall

Welcome to Friends of the Santa Cruz River (FOSCR)!

FOSCR was formed in 1991 to “ensure a continued flow of the river’s surface waters, promote the highest river water quality achievable, and to protect and restore the riparian ecosystem and diversity of life supported by the river’s waters.” Our non-profit, all-volunteer group focuses on the portion of the river from its headwaters in the San Rafael Valley in Arizona, south into Mexico, and then north to through Santa Cruz County, AZ to the Pima County line. We work with riverside landowners, government agencies, and other citizens and community groups to keep the river flowing, its banks clean and green, and its environment bountiful to both wildlife and people. The river has no water or land rights. So it is up to us, who care about its survival, to advocate for it, to be a voice for the Santa Cruz. 

The more of us there are, the stronger is that voice!