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GOP Rep. Promises To ‘Reverse This Trend Of Public Ownership Of Lands’

Rep. Steve Pearce (R-NM)

DENVER, Colorado — A key western congressman declared late last week that Mitt Romney supports his push to “reverse this trend of public ownership of lands.”

In a speech to the Colorado Conservative Political Action Conference, Rep. Steve Pearce (R-NM) criticized Teddy Roosevelt’s “big ideas of big forests and big national parks,” which primarily exist in the West. Pearce told the audience that, if elected, Mitt Romney will help turn back public lands to the states or private entities.

PEARCE: America, each state, the public lands were given back to the states after they were chartered. But in the West, starting with Teddy Roosevelt who had the big ideas of big forests and big national parks, they held that land. And so the next chart shows you the effect on us in the West. Just understand this is the education. The red is of course bad. We’re starved in the West for education funds because of policies that Mitt Romney sat and listened to Rob Bishop and myself explain when it came to Hobbs. He knows that if we want to reverse the trend, we’ll reverse this trend of public ownership of lands starving education.

Watch it:

Though Romney’s campaign has asserted that they’re not targeting national parks for further drilling, Pearce disputed the notion that they should be off-limits. “Constitutionally,” Pearce told ThinkProgress after the speech, decisions about drilling in national parks and other public-owned lands “should be left with the states.” Indeed, drilling is already underway in a number of parks, with dozens more threatened.

Public lands are vital to the nation for many reasons. They allow anyone, not just the wealthy, access to beautiful natural areas. They provide clean air and water. They even help the United States adapt to climate change while boosting the economy.

For a primer on how the nation’s 700 million acres of public lands could be affected under a Romney presidency, click here.


Nation’s First Privately Owned State Prison Riddled With Violations Of State Law

An Ohio prison owned by Corrections Corporation of America, one of the largest private prison companies in the US, has failed to meet state standards in food quality, sanitation, hygiene, and many other areas, according to a recently concluded audit. In total, the CCA prison had 47 violations.

CityBeat details the abysmal conditions at the Ohio facility, the first privately owned state prison in the country:

The local fire plan had no specific steps to release inmates from locked areas in case of emergency, and local employees said “they had no idea what they should do” in case of a fire emergency.

The audit also found all housing units provided less than the required 25 square feet on unencumbered space per occupant. It found single watch cells held two prisoners with some sleeping on the floor, and some triple-bunked cells had a third inmate sleeping on a mattress on the floor.

Inmates claimed laundry and cell cleaning services were not provided and CCA could not prove otherwise, recreation time was not always allowed five times a week in segregation as required, food quality and sanitization was not up to standards, infirmary patients were “not seen timely,” patients’ doctor appointments were often delayed with follow-ups rarely occurring, the facility had no written confined space program, the health care administrator could not explain or show an overall plan and nursing competency evaluations were not completed before the audit was conducted. Many more issues were found as well.

Despite the many abuses discovered at private prisons all over the country, CCA and other industry giants have greatly benefited from cash-strapped states’ attempts to save money. However, recent studies show that private prisons actually cost more than state-owned ones. Undeterred, CCA has started offering states millions to buy state facilities like the Ohio prison. Ohio sold the prison to CCA last year to help balance the state’s 2012-2013 budget, and CCA recently offered to buy another one in exchange for the state’s guarantee of 90% occupancy for 20 or 30 years.


Why The Obama Foreign Donation ‘Scandal’ Is Pure Fiction

Despite significant right-wing hype, a new report by the conservative Government Accountability Institute (GAI) on the potential for foreign nationals to illegally contribute to U.S. political campaigns does not actually find any evidence of foreign nationals successfully donating to the Obama campaign. Still, a wide array of conservative and mainstream publications have incorrectly reported that the report documents foreign donors giving to the President’s re-election.

The GAI (not to be confused with the Government Accountability Office) details in its report America the Vulnerable: Are Foreign and Fraudulent Online Campaign Contributions Influencing U.S. Elections? that because candidates now raise money on the Internet and the Internet allows foreigners to access U.S. websites, it is easier than ever for non-Americans in foreign countries to donate to political candidates. The Daily Beast published a shorter version of the report, titled “The Illegal-Donor Loophole“. The authors note that a wide variety of candidates — Democrats and Republicans — face this concern.

The report notes:

Using a collection of online research tools, the Government Accountability Institute analyzed a portion of the foreign links that lead to the Obama campaign website, The Institute found a wide variety of instances in which apparent foreign nationals either received solicitation emails or posted links to

GAI then notes nine examples of foreign bloggers and bloggers in foreign countries — who may or may not be U.S. citizens — who have posted email solicitations or links to a “donate to Obama” page on their blogs. Only one, a Norwegian blogger named Gaupefot, claims to have actually donated to Obama. The blogger’s unverified claim, written in Norwegian, also appears to claim that the CIA funds the Norwegian Labour Party.

The GAI also notes that people from other countries often visit campaign websites and that an array of cyber-squatters have purchased domains that sound like political websites and link them often to legitimate campaign websites. These are even more often visited by users outside of the United States. It also claims that because Obama’s campaign site — and 211 Members of Congress — use a verification system for credit card contributions that does not include asking for a three-digit security code (Card Verification Value), these sites are potentially at greater risk for fraud.
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Billionaire CEO Threatens To Fire Employees If Obama Wins

The CEO of a massive timeshare company sent an email about the upcoming election to his employees yesterday, threatening to fire some of them if President Obama wins re-election.

David Siegel, who owns Florida-based Westgate Resorts, sent an email to all his employees yesterday to discuss the upcoming election. “The economy doesn’t currently pose a threat to your job,” Siegel wrote, noting that the company is “the most profitable [it's] ever been.” “What does threaten your job however, is another 4 years of the same Presidential administration.” He went on to say that although he “can’t tell you whom to vote for,” if Obama is re-elected, it would mean “fewer jobs, less benefits and certainly less opportunity for everyone.”

Here are a few select paragraphs from the email:

Subject: Message from David Siegel
Date:Mon, 08 Oct 2012 13:58:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: [David Siegel]
To: [All employees]

To All My Valued Employees,

As most of you know our company, Westgate Resorts, has continued to succeed in spite of a very dismal economy. There is no question that the economy has changed for the worse and we have not seen any improvement over the past four years. In spite of all of the challenges we have faced, the good news is this: The economy doesn’t currently pose a threat to your job. What does threaten your job however, is another 4 years of the same Presidential administration. Of course, as your employer, I can’t tell you whom to vote for, and I certainly wouldn’t interfere with your right to vote for whomever you choose. In fact, I encourage you to vote for whomever you think will serve your interests the best.

However, let me share a few facts that might help you decide what is in your best interest.


So where am I going with all this? It’s quite simple. If any new taxes are levied on me, or my company, as our current President plans, I will have no choice but to reduce the size of this company. Rather than grow this company I will be forced to cut back. This means fewer jobs, less benefits and certainly less opportunity for everyone.

So, when you make your decision to vote, ask yourself, which candidate understands the economics of business ownership and who doesn’t? Whose policies will endanger your job? Answer those questions and you should know who might be the one capable of protecting and saving your job. While the media wants to tell you to believe the “1 percenters” are bad, I’m telling you they are not. They create most of the jobs. If you lose your job, it won’t be at the hands of the “1%”; it will be at the hands of a political hurricane that swept through this country.

You can view the email in full here.

Siegel earned national notoriety this year for his quest to build the biggest house in America, “a sprawling, 90,000-square-foot mansion inspired by Versailles.”

In a bizarre twist, Siegel’s email was modeled after a fake letter that made the rounds on the internet during the last presidential election. He confirmed his own email’s authenticity in a phone call to Gawker, saying that “it speaks the truth” and gives employees “something to think about when they go to the polls.”

ThinkProgress reached out to Siegel for comment, but no response was given.


Democratic Senator Says Congress ‘Ought To Scrap’ Tax Reform That Cuts Rates

During a speech today at the National Press Club, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) came out against one of Washington’s current favorite ideas: tax reform that closes loopholes and removes deductions, in exchange for lowering tax rates (particularly at the top of the income scale). Schumer called for scrapping that model, and instead instituting tax reform that uses the revenue raised from eliminating loopholes and deductions to reduce the deficit:

There is perhaps no issue facing Congress that is more complex than tax reform. But for all the disagreement on taxes, ask most policymakers—Democrats, Republicans and independents alike—what the broad outlines of tax reform might look like, and you get a startlingly consistent answer: dramatically lower the rates, and broaden the tax base by getting rid of loopholes in the tax code.

This approach has a distinguished lineage: Ronald Reagan and the 1986 Democratic Congress invented it. Simpson-Bowles validated it. The Gang of Six endorsed it.

But in the upcoming talks on the fiscal cliff, we ought to scrap it.

The reason is simple. The old style of tax reform is obsolete in a 2012 world. It just doesn’t fit the times because there are two new conditions that didn’t exist in 1986, but that are staring us in the face today: a much larger, more dangerous deficit, and a dramatic increase in income inequality. Old-style tax reform could make both conditions worse.

This sort of approach certainly makes sense, as income inequality has skyrocketed over the last few decades at the same time that income tax rates on the rich have tumbled. One of the drivers of income inequality is the low rate on capital gains, which almost exclusively benefits the rich.

Schumer, unfortunately, came out against revenue-positive corporate tax reform, which would also be a good idea. The Financial Times, meanwhile, reported today that some Republicans “are shifting their tone on the prospect of increasing taxes on the wealthiest Americans,” in an effort to avoid the effects of the so-called “fiscal cliff.”


Leading Voter Suppression Expert Calls Voter ID Laws ‘A Favor’ For Poor Americans

Hans A. von Spakovsky

Hans A. von Spakovsky

DENVER, Colorado — During a panel on voter ID laws, the Heritage Foundation’s Hans von Spakovsky declared at the Colorado Conservative Political Action Conference that voters who are facing disenfranchisement should really be thankful for new, discriminatory voter ID laws being introduced by conservatives across the country:

VON SPAKOVSKY: Getting the very few people who don’t have an ID an ID is very easy. And in fact, we should be happy that people have to get an id like that. Why? Because you cannot function in today’s society without an id. And anyone who doesn’t have one, we’re doing them a favor. We are helping them to get identification they will then need to do all kinds of things. Like if they want to apply for public systems or welfare, you need an ID. You want to do all kinds of other things, you need an ID.

Watch it:

Von Spakovsky’s condescending and offensive remarks about people on welfare aside, his comments on the number of people without government-issued identification are false. The non-partisan Brennan Center for Justice at New York University has published an exhaustive study which shows that 11 percent of all eligible voters nationally don’t have a government-issued photo id. That figure climbs dramatically for college students, seniors, minorities and low-income voters.

Von Spakovsky has a long history of voter suppression dating back to his time as a George W. Bush appointee to the Federal Election Commission, where, according to the Washington Post, he used “every opportunity he had over four years in the Justice Department to make it difficult for voters — poor, minority and Democratic — to go to the polls.”

Now from his perch at the far-right Heritage Foundation, he and fellow conservatives have spent the last few years promoting new voter ID laws in states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania in an attempt to solve the country’s non-existent voter fraud problem. Since 2000, there has been about one case of voter impersonation per every 15 million votes cast, according to a report from ProPublica. That’s compared to an estimated 21 million eligible voters who don’t have a state-issued ID.


Arkansas State Rep: ‘If Slavery Were So God-Awful, Why Didn’t Jesus Or Paul Condemn It?’

After Arkansas Republicans disavowed a book by state representative Jon Hubbard (R-AR) claiming slavery was “a blessing in disguise” for African Americans, Hubbard’s colleague, state Rep. Loy Mauch (R-AR) has been outed by the Arkansas Times for his pro-slavery, pro-Confederacy letters to the editor over the past decade. Mauch’s run for reelection this year is backed by the Arkansas Republican Party.

In letters to the Democrat-Gazette, Mauch vehemently defended slavery and repeatedly suggested Jesus condoned it:

If slavery were so God-awful, why didn’t Jesus or Paul condemn it, why was it in the Constitution and why wasn’t there a war before 1861?
The South has always stood by the Constitution and limited government. When one attacks the Confederate Battle Flag, he is certainly denouncing these principles of government as well as Christianity.

His other letters call Abraham Lincoln a Marxist and celebrate the Confederate flag as “a symbol of Christian liberty vs. the new world order.” He also organized a conference in 2004 praising John Wilkes Booth and calling for the removal of an Abraham Lincoln statue. Mauch has been supported mainly by contributions from the Republican Party and other Arkansas candidates. Now, the state GOP is pulling all funds from Mauch, Hubbard and another state legislative candidate, Charlie Fuqua, who wants to expel all Muslims from the country and thinks rebellious children should receive the death penalty.

Though the party committee has cut them off, the three candidates are still receiving support from other Arkansas politicians, including U.S. Reps Steve Womack (R) and Tim Griffin (R). Mauch has also been endorsed by the National Rifle Association and the Arkansas Right to Life PAC.


Michigan State Rep Calls Homosexuality A ‘Lifestyle’ That People Can Leave

Michigan State Rep. Tom McMillin (R) said in 2003 that people “caught up in the homosexual lifestyle need help,” comparing them to smokers.  Nine years later, his positions haven’t changed much. He told a town hall meeting last month that he still believes that homosexuality is a “lifestyle” and a “choice” that people can —and have — “come out” of:

QUESTIONER: Do you still believe that being gay is like smoking, that it’s a choice?

MCMILLIN: Well, I think that the thousands of people that have been in that lifestyle and have come out would say that it was their choice when they were in it and came out of the lifestyle.

QUESTIONER: Do you think some people are born gay?

MCMILLIN: You know, I don’t know.

QUESTIONER: But you think it’s a choice?

MCMILLIN: I think for some it is, I mean it sounds like it.

Watch it:

In a follow-up statement, McMillin simply tried to blame “a few liberals” from shifting the focus to such issues, refusing to comment further on the matter at hand.

Claims that there are “thousands” of ex-gays have never been substantiated.


Deadly Meningitis Outbreak Highlights The Need For Strengthened FDA Regulations

Potentially contaminated steroid injections that led to meningitis infections

On Monday, U.S. health officials warned that up to 13,000 Americans across 23 states could have been exposed to a strain of fungal meningitis that has been traced to contaminated steroid shots produced by a Massachusetts-based compounding pharmacy. The outbreak of meningitis — which causes a potentially fatal inflammation of the brain or central nervous system — has already resulted in over 100 cases and eight deaths.

Although more than half of the estimated 56,000 U.S. pharmacies across the country practice compounding — repackaging or recombining medications on a large scale, in an attempt to keep down the costs of filling prescriptions — the FDA cannot oversee this sector of the pharmaceutical industry. The FDA has authority over drug manufacturers, not pharmacies, so drugs that are compounded at pharmacies do not currently have to meet the agency’s guidelines to ensure they are safe or effective.

In order to mitigate potential public health risks stemming from compounded drugs, Democratic lawmakers and health advocates are calling on Congress to strengthen FDA’s regulatory oversight in the area:

“These compounding pharmacies are operating now on a scale where (regulation) should be a priority,” said Senator Richard Blumenthal, a member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, who is urging hearings and an investigation in prelude to new legislation.

His concerns were echoed by U.S. Representative Edward Markey, another Democrat who sent a letter to the FDA asking whether agency rules ensure that compounded drugs meet the same safety standards as the products of major drug manufacturers. [...]

Disease outbreaks have been traced to compounding pharmacies repeatedly in the last decade, including other cases of meningitis and hepatitis C infections.

“If regulation doesn’t set a standard that seeks to prevent this, we can expect these outbreaks to keep happening,” said Dr. John Santa, director of the Health Ratings Center at the Consumers Union advocacy group.

Seventy five health facilities received the potentially contaminated steroid injections from the New England Compounding Center between July and September. The Massachusetts-area compounding pharmacy voluntarily recalled all of its products over the weekend following the FDA’s recommendations.

And the larger clash between the pharmaceutical industry’s interests and the FDA’s public health regulations could eventually make its way to the Supreme Court. Although repeated legal challenges have attempted to slowly chip away at the FDA’s authority over pharmacies practicing compounding, an appellate court in New Orleans sided with the FDA in 2008. But if a current case against the FDA that is set to be decided in Florida goes the other way, the Supreme Court could step in to arbitrate.


GOP Rep. Calls For End To Oil Subsidies, After Repeatedly Voting To Preserve Them

On Monday night, Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) said he would be in favor of ending century-old subsidies to the oil and gas industry, if clean energy tax breaks end as well. But when Upton has had the chance to nix the oil industry’s $4 billion tax breaks, he has voted repeatedly to preserve them.

Upton follows Mitt Romney’s unexpected position in the presidential debate last week, where the presidential candidate suggested Exxon’s tax breaks would be on the table. MLive reports:

UPTON: I’m for putting all of these on an even footing,” Upton said during a debate against Democratic challenger Mike O’Brien. “Let’s look at the oil and gas subsidies, let’s take them away. Let’s let them compete just like everyone else at the same level. We can do that with the tax code to take those special provisions away.


Each time the House has held a vote on oil subsidies, Upton voted along party lines against closing the industry’ tax breaks. Meanwhile, Upton has led the Republican campaign against clean energy, with 12 hearings and meetings, 300,000 documents, two subpoenas, and more than a million dollars spent on the Solyndra investigation that has turned up no evidence of wrongdoing.

At a time the industry has recorded record-breaking profits, even oil execs have agreed they “do not need incentives” to produce oil. Republicans have argued the need for a “level energy playing field,” while the oil and gas industry continues to benefit from permanent tax breaks, but clean energy still must compete in a field heavily tilted to favor fossil fuels. Unlike oil subsidies, clean energy tax credits — like the wind production tax credit — need to be renewed periodically and are responsible for attracting billions of dollars in private investment.


Despite Court Order, At Least Five Pennsylvania Counties Still Telling Voters They Need ID To Vote

Last week, a Pennsylvania court mostly suspended that state’s voter ID law for the upcoming election. Under the court’s order, voters will still be asked for ID at the polls, but they will still be able to cast a regular ballot — not a provisional ballot — if they are unable to show it.

Yet, despite this court order, at least five Pennsylvania county websites still falsely inform voters that they need to show ID in order to cast a regular ballot:

  • Butler County: Butler County’s website still tells voters that “[s]tarting with the November 2012 general election, Pennsylvania requires voters to show an acceptable photo identification to vote at the polls.”
  • Bucks County: Bucks County’s website falsely claims that “[i]f you do not have a photo ID or are indigent and unable to obtain one without payment of a fee, you may cast a provisional ballot, and will have six days to provide your photo ID and/or an affirmation to your county elections office to have your ballot count.”
  • Perry County: Perry County echoes Bucks County’s false statement that voters without IDs will only be able to cast provisional ballots.
  • Luzerne County: Luzerne County’s website is similarly incorrect, also falsely claiming that “ALL voters will be required to show a photo ID before voting at a polling place.”
  • Delaware County: Delaware County’s website falsely claims that “Pennsylvania law now requires voters to show approved photo ID to vote at the polls.”

In addition to these five county websites, at least one state university — West Chester University — falsely informs its students that they “MUST present one of the following forms of PHOTO ID when [they] go to their poll place to vote in the General Election this November 6, 2012.”

To be fair, it is likely that these websites remain live simply because county or university officials have not yet updated their sites after the court’s decision last week. Nevertheless, they are a possible sign that elections officials may not fully understand that the requirement that voters present ID at the polls before they can cast a regular ballot is not in effect in November. Last month, elections officials in New Hampshire falsely told some primary voters that ID was required, even though the law did not yet require ID to be shown. The websites listed above indicate a similar error is taking place in Pennsylvania, potentially discouraging many voters from casting a ballot they are lawfully entitled to cast.

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Romney’s Major Reversal On Foreign Aid

(Photo: Charles Dharapak/AP)

In a Columbus Day speech to the Virginia Military Institute, Governor Mitt Romney backed away from his controversial position of requiring foreign assistance to be “zeroed out” each year. The speech, billed as a “major foreign policy address” as the Romney campaign seeks to highlight the candidate’s policy positions in the run-up to the election, contained little new in terms of specifics.

One area that Romney did differ from previous statements was his position on the United States’ delivery of foreign aid to allies abroad. In today’s speech, Romney spoke on the continuing need to provide assistance to governments in the Middle East, along with conditions that recipients had to follow:

I will rally our friends and allies to match our generosity with theirs. And I will make it clear to the recipients of our aid that, in return for our material support, they must meet the responsibilities of every decent modern government-to respect the rights of all of their citizens, including women and minorities… to ensure space for civil society, a free media, political parties, and an independent judiciary… and to abide by their international commitments to protect our diplomats and our property.

This differs from Romney’s statements during the Republican primary campaign. At a debate in South Carolina in November 2011, Romney latched onto a proposal from Texas Governor Rick Perry highlighting foreign aid as a potential area for cutting spending. At the time, Romney said “[O]ne of the things we have to do with our foreign aid commitments, the ongoing foreign aid commitments, I agree with Governor Perry. You start everything at zero.”

Currently, the foreign aid budget makes up about one percent of the Federal budget. Former Romney campaign national co-chair Tim Pawlenty has previously criticized Governor Romney for the position, calling it “directionally not correct.”

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