Field Listing :: National holiday
This entry gives the primary national day of celebration - usually independence day.
National holiday
Albania Independence Day, 28 November (1912) also known as Flag Day
Andorra Our Lady of Meritxell Day, 8 September (1278)
Anguilla Anguilla Day, 30 May (1967)
Antigua and Barbuda Independence Day (National Day), 1 November (1981)
Armenia Independence Day, 21 September (1991)
Aruba Flag Day, 18 March (1976)
Australia Australia Day, 26 January (1788); ANZAC Day (commemorates the anniversary of the landing of troops of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps during World War I at Gallipoli, Turkey), 25 April (1915)
Austria National Day, 26 October (1955); note - commemorates the passage of the law on permanent neutrality
Azerbaijan Founding of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan, 28 May (1918)
Bahamas, The Independence Day, 10 July (1973)
Bahrain National Day, 16 December (1971); note - 15 August 1971 was the date of independence from the UK, 16 December 1971 was the date of independence from British protection
Bangladesh Independence Day, 26 March (1971); note - 26 March 1971 is the date of independence from West Pakistan, 16 December 1971 is Victory Day and commemorates the official creation of the state of Bangladesh
Belarus Independence Day, 3 July (1944); note - 3 July 1944 was the date Minsk was liberated from German troops, 25 August 1991 was the date of independence from the Soviet Union
Belgium 21 July (1831) ascension to the Throne of King LEOPOLD I
Benin National Day, 1 August (1960)
Bosnia and Herzegovina National Day, 25 November (1943)
Botswana Independence Day (Botswana Day), 30 September (1966)
British Virgin Islands Territory Day, 1 July (1956)
Brunei National Day, 23 February (1984); note - 1 January 1984 was the date of independence from the UK, 23 February 1984 was the date of independence from British protection
Bulgaria Liberation Day, 3 March (1878)
Burkina Faso Republic Day, 11 December (1958); note - commemorates the day that Upper Volta became an autonomous republic in the French Community
Burma Independence Day, 4 January (1948); Union Day, 12 February (1947)
Cameroon Republic Day (National Day), 20 May (1972)
Canada Canada Day, 1 July (1867)
Central African Republic Republic Day, 1 December (1958)
China Anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, 1 October (1949)
Christmas Island Australia Day, 26 January (1788)
Cocos (Keeling) Islands Australia Day, 26 January (1788)
Cook Islands Constitution Day, first Monday in August (1965)
Croatia Independence Day, 8 October (1991); note - 25 June 1991 was the day the Croatian parliament voted for independence; following a three-month moratorium to allow the European Community to solve the Yugoslav crisis peacefully, Parliament adopted a decision on 8 October 1991 to sever constitutional relations with Yugoslavia
Cuba Triumph of the Revolution, 1 January (1959)
Curacao Queen's Day (Birthday of Queen-Mother JULIANA and accession to the throne of her oldest daughter BEATRIX), 30 April (1909 and 1980)
Cyprus Independence Day, 1 October (1960); note - Turkish Cypriots celebrate 15 November (1983) as "Independence Day"
Czech Republic Czechoslovak Founding Day, 28 October (1918)
Denmark none designated; Constitution Day, 5 June (1849) is generally viewed as the National Day
Estonia Independence Day, 24 February (1918); note - 24 February 1918 was the date Estonia declared its independence from Soviet Russia and established its statehood; 20 August 1991 was the date it declared its independence from the Soviet Union
European Union Europe Day 9 May (1950); note - the day in 1950 that Robert SCHUMAN proposed the creation of what became the European Coal and Steel Community, the progenitor of today's European Union, with the aim of achieving a united Europe
Faroe Islands Olaifest (Olavsoka), 29 July
France Fete de la Federation, 14 July (1790); note - although often incorrectly referred to as Bastille Day, the celebration actually commemorates the holiday held on the first anniversary of the storming of the Bastille (on 14 July 1789) and the establishment of a constitutional monarchy; other names for the holiday are Fete Nationale (National Holiday) and quatorze juillet (14th of July)
French Polynesia Bastille Day, 14 July (1789); note - the local holiday is Internal Autonomy Day, 29 June (1880)
Gabon Independence Day, 17 August (1960)
Georgia Independence Day, 26 May (1918); note - 26 May 1918 was the date of independence from Soviet Russia, 9 April 1991 was the date of independence from the Soviet Union
Gibraltar National Day, 10 September (1967); note - day of the national referendum to decide whether to remain with the UK or join Spain
Greenland June 21 (longest day)
Guam Discovery Day, first Monday in March (1521)
Guinea Independence Day, 2 October (1958)
Holy See (Vatican City) Election Day of Pope BENEDICT XVI, 19 April (2005)
Hungary Saint Stephen's Day, 20 August; note - commemorates the date when his remains were transferred to Buda (now Budapest)
Iran Republic Day, 1 April (1979)
Iraq Republic Day, July 14 (1958); note - the Government of Iraq has yet to declare an official national holiday but still observes Republic Day
Israel Independence Day, 14 May (1948); note - Israel declared independence on 14 May 1948, but the Jewish calendar is lunar and the holiday may occur in April or May
Jamaica Independence Day, 6 August (1962)
Kazakhstan Independence Day, 16 December (1991)
Kenya Independence Day, 12 December (1963); Madaraka Day, 1 June (1963); Mashujaa Day, 20 October (2010)
Korea, North Founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), 9 September (1948)
Kosovo Independence Day, 17 February (2008)
Latvia Independence Day, 18 November (1918); note - 18 November 1918 was the date Latvia declared independence from Soviet Russia and established its statehood; 4 May 1990 was the date it declared its independence from the Soviet Union
Lithuania Independence Day, 16 February (1918); note - 16 February 1918 was the date Lithuania declared its independence from Soviet Russia and established its statehood; 11 March 1990 was the date it declared its independence from the Soviet Union
Luxembourg National Day (Birthday of Grand Duchess Charlotte) 23 June; note - the actual date of birth was 23 January 1896, but the festivities were shifted by five months to allow observance during a more favorable time of year
Macedonia Independence Day, 8 September (1991); also known as National Day
Malawi Independence Day (Republic Day), 6 July (1964)
Malaysia Independence Day 31 August (1957) (independence of Malaya); Malaysia Day 16 September (1963) (formation of Malaysia)
Malta Independence Day, 21 September (1964); Republic Day, 13 December (1974)
Monaco National Day (Saint Rainier's Day), 19 November (1857)
Mongolia Independence Day/Revolution Day, 11 July (1921)
Montenegro National Day, 13 July (1878)
Montserrat Birthday of Queen ELIZABETH II, second Saturday in June (1926)
Morocco Throne Day (accession of King MOHAMMED VI to the throne), 30 July (1999)
Nepal Republic Day, 29 May
Netherlands Queen's Day (Birthday of deceased Queen-Mother JULIANA and accession to the throne of her oldest daughter BEATRIX), 30 April (1909 and 1980)
New Caledonia Bastille Day, 14 July (1789); note - the local holiday is New Caledonia Day, 24 September (1853)
New Zealand Waitangi Day (Treaty of Waitangi established British sovereignty over New Zealand), 6 February (1840); ANZAC Day (commemorated as the anniversary of the landing of troops of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps during World War I at Gallipoli, Turkey), 25 April (1915)
Niger Republic Day, 18 December (1958); note - commemorates the founding of the Republic of Niger which predated independence from France in 1960
Nigeria Independence Day (National Day), 1 October (1960)
Niue Waitangi Day (Treaty of Waitangi established British sovereignty over New Zealand), 6 February (1840)
Norfolk Island Bounty Day (commemorates the arrival of Pitcairn Islanders), 8 June (1856)
Norway Constitution Day, 17 May (1814)
Paraguay Independence Day, 14 May 1811 (observed 15 May)
Philippines Independence Day, 12 June (1898); note - 12 June 1898 was date of declaration of independence from Spain; 4 July 1946 was date of independence from US
Portugal Portugal Day (Dia de Portugal), 10 June (1580); note - also called Camoes Day, the day that revered national poet Luis de Camoes (1524-80) died
Puerto Rico US Independence Day, 4 July (1776); Puerto Rico Constitution Day, 25 July (1952)
Qatar Independence Day, 3 September (1971); also observed is National Day, 18 December (1878) (anniversary of Al Thani family accession to the throne)
Romania Unification Day (of Romania and Transylvania), 1 December (1918)
Russia Russia Day, 12 June (1990)
Saint Barthelemy Bastille Day, 14 July (1789); note - local holiday is St. Barthelemy Day, 24 August (1572)
Saint Martin Bastille Day, 14 July (1789); note - local holiday is Schoalcher Day (Slavery Abolition Day) 12 July (1848)
Saint Pierre and Miquelon Bastille Day, 14 July (1789)
Samoa Independence Day Celebration, 1 June (1962); note - 1 January 1962 is the date of independence from the New Zealand-administered UN trusteeship; it is observed in June
San Marino Founding of the Republic, 3 September (A.D. 301)
Serbia National Day, 15 February
Seychelles Constitution Day (National Day), 18 June (1993)
Singapore National Day, 9 August (1965)
Sint Maarten Queen's Day (Birthday of Queen-Mother JULIANA and accession to the throne of her oldest daughter BEATRIX), 30 April (1909 and 1980)
Slovenia Independence Day/Statehood Day, 25 June (1991)
Somalia Foundation of the Somali Republic, 1 July (1960); note - 26 June (1960) in Somaliland
South Sudan Independence Day, (9 July 2011)
Spain National Day, 12 October (1492); year when Columbus first set foot in the Americas
Sweden Swedish Flag Day, 6 June (1916); National Day, 6 June (1983)
Tajikistan Independence Day (or National Day), 9 September (1991)
Tanzania Union Day (Tanganyika and Zanzibar), 26 April (1964)
Thailand Birthday of King PHUMIPHON (BHUMIBOL), 5 December (1927)
Timor-Leste Independence Day, 28 November (1975)
Tokelau Waitangi Day (Treaty of Waitangi established British sovereignty over New Zealand), 6 February (1840)
Tonga National Day, 4 November (1875)
Tunisia Independence Day, 20 March (1956)
Turkey Republic Day, 29 October (1923)
Ukraine Independence Day, 24 August (1991); note - 22 January 1918, the day Ukraine first declared its independence (from Soviet Russia) and the day the short-lived Western and Greater (Eastern) Ukrainian republics united (1919), is now celebrated as Unity Day
United Kingdom the UK does not celebrate one particular national holiday
Virgin Islands Transfer Day (from Denmark to the US), 31 March (1917)
Wallis and Futuna Bastille Day, 14 July (1789)
Yemen Unification Day, 22 May (1990)