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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Recruiting, Retaining and Honoring a World-Class Workforce to Serve the American People

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Organization Chart

    • Collapse
      • Office of the Director

      • Director
      • Berry, John

      • Expand
        • Office of the Director

        • Deputy Director
        • Vacant

      • Expand
        • Office of the Director

        • Chief of Staff
        • Montoya, Elizabeth A

      • Expand
        • Employee Services

        • Associate Director & Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO)
        • Bailey, Angela

        • Office of the Director

        • Counselor to the Director
        • Basile, Victor

      • Expand
        • Office of the Director

        • Counselor to the Director
        • Grant, Michael A.

      • Expand
        • Retirement Services

        • Associate Director
        • Zawodny, Jr., Kenneth

        • Federal Prevailing Rate Advisory Committee

        • Chair
        • Friedman, Sheldon I.

      • Expand
        • Merit System Audit & Compliance

        • Associate Director
        • Lambert, Mark W.

      • Expand
        • Federal Investigative Services

        • Associate Director
        • Miller, Merton W.

        • Office of the Director

        • Senior Advisor to the Director
        • Collier, Matthew W.

      • Expand
        • HR Solutions

        • Associate Director
        • Kichak, Nancy H.

      • Expand
        • Office of the Director

        • Chief Operating Officer
        • Grimes, Chuck

      • Expand
        • Office of General Counsel

        • General Counsel
        • Kaplan, Elaine

        • Office of the Director

        • White House Fellow
        • Woods, Anthony

      • Expand
        • Communications & Public Liaison

        • Director
        • Richards, Thomas J.

      • Expand
        • Congressional & Legislative Affairs

        • Director
        • Shand, Tania A.

      • Expand
        • Planning & Policy Analysis

        • Director
        • Foley, Jonathan

      • Expand
        • Chief Financial Officer

        • Chief Financial Officer
        • Coleman, Dennis D.

      • Expand
        • Executive Secretariat & Ombudsman

        • Director of Executive Secretariat & Ombudsman
        • Lowe, Richard B.

      • Expand
        • Facilities, Security & Contracting

        • Director
        • McGuire, Tina B.

      • Expand
        • Equal Employment Opportunity

        • Director
        • Lewis, Lorna

      • Expand
        • Chief Information Officer

        • Chief Information Officer
        • Perry, Matthew E.

        • Chief Human Capital Officer Council

        • Executive Director
        • Medina, Kathryn M.

      • Expand
        • Diversity & Inclusion

        • Director
        • Villalobos, Veronica E.

      • Expand
        • Healthcare & Insurance

        • Director
        • O'Brien, John

        • Office of the Director

        • Director of External Veterans/Military Affairs & Community Outreach
        • Jones, Michele

        • Office of the Director

        • Executive Assistant
        • Williams, Demetriss

        • Office of the Director

        • Senior Advisor
        • Dillaman, Kathy