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Human News
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Jerry Sandusky

Sandusky and the Science of Self-Delusion

Sandusky's faith in his own lies is a common and very human trait, revealing the flexibility of memory.

Animal News
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egale attacks an extinct moa

Jurassic Park Won't Happen: Dino DNA Dead

Based on the newly discovered decay rates for DNA, dinosaurs have been extinct too long to revive as clones.

History News
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dental fillings

Mummy with Mouthful of Cavities Discovered

An Egyptian man may have succumbed to a painful sinus infection 2,100 years ago.

Tech News
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Must-See Hyperphotos: The Ultimate Zoom

Must-See Hyperphotos: The Ultimate Zoom

These images have 10,000 times the resolution of regular photos.

Space News
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Mystery Mars Object is Curiosity's Litter

Mystery Mars Object is Curiosity's Litter

Is it a Martian reptile? Is it an alien flower? No! It's (most likely) plastic trash from a Mars rover.

Earth News
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Frackable Gas Discovered in Eastern U.S.

Frackable Gas Discovered in Eastern U.S.

The USGS has found 38 trillion cubic feet of natural gas trapped in the eastern United States.

Adventure News
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Lance Armstrong

Fall From Grace?: Lance Armstrong's Career

As the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency details charges against Armstrong, see highlights from his controversial career.

Auto News
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Electric Car Breaks Land-Speed Record

Electric Car Breaks Land-Speed Record

Who said electric cars can't have muscle?


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