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2Gates (Two Gates)
Telephone Numbers - Reclamation Contact our employees by using our Reclamation telephone directory
Telephone Numbers, MP Region Telephone Numbers for the main offices and field offices of the Mid Pacific Region
Telephone Numbers, Reclamation Main Telephone numbers for all Reclamation offices
Trinity River Bridges Project Trinity River Bridges Project - (Environmental Documents) address the environmental issues, alternatives, and impacts associated with the modification and/or replacement of the Salt Flat, Bucktail, Poker Bar, and Biggers Road bridges on the Trinity River, below Lewiston Dam. Completion of the preferred alternative at each of these bridge sites will allow these bridges to safely pass large flows to: 1) provide flexibility for possible future changes to the operation of the Trinity River Division of the Central Valley Project; 2) provide safe year-round access to cross river parcels; and 3) meet requirements for increased flows as needed for environmental and fishery restoration of the Trinity River.
Trinity River Mechanical Rehabilitation Trinity River Mechanical Rehabilitation Environmental Documents for Hocker Flat (Environmental Documents)
Trinity River National Wildlife Refuge Trinity River National Wildlife Refuge was established on January 4, 1994 with an initial purchase of 4,400 acres. Since that time, the refuge has acquired additional acreage which now totals 17,500 acres.
Trinity River Restoration Program Publication for the Trinity River Restoration Program The Summary of the United States secretary of the Interior Record of Decision (ROD) dated December 19, 2000
Trinity River Restoration Program Trinity River Restoration Program - In 1984 the Trinity River Basin Fish and Wildlife Management Act (PL 98-541) was signed, authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to develop and implement a management program to restore the fish and wildlife populations in the Trinity River Basin to levels which existed prior to construction of the Trinity and Lewiston dams.
Truckee Canal Re-Operations At approximately 4:30 a.m. on Saturday, January 5, 2008, a breach occurred in the Truckee Canal, a Newlands Project facility in northern Nevada, owned by the Bureau of Reclamation and operated and maintained by the Truckee Carson Irrigation District (TCID). As a result of the breach, an uncontrolled release of water flowed into irrigated lands and a portion of the City of Fernley, located some 30 miles east of Reno. About 590 homes were flooded. To rapidly isolate the breach and drain the canal in the area where it occurred, TCID operated available spillways, wasteways, check structures, and nearby lateral canals. The breach was sealed by about 4 p.m. that same day. The Truckee-Carson Irrigation District began construction on January 16, 2008, to repair the breach in the Truckee Canal using a Zoned Earthfill Embankment type design. Repairs were completed on February 18, 2008. The Zoned Earthfill Embankment design is similar to that used in major earthen dam structures. This approach was used because of the urban area that lies downslope of the canal and the importance of protecting public health and safety. What makes this type of design special is that it provides multiple layers of protection to prevent failure.
Truckee River Operating Agreement Truckee River Operating Agreement - implementation of the Truckee River Operating Agreement (TROA) in accordance with Public Law 101-618, Truckee-Carson-Pyramid Lake Water Rights Settlement Act of 1990. The primary purpose of TROA is to modify operation of Federal and selected non-Federal reservoirs in the Truckee River basin located in northeastern California and northwestern Nevada, enhance conditions for threatened and endangered fish species, increase drought protection, improve river water quality, and enhance instream flows. Signatories to TROA are U.S. Department of the Interior, States of Nevada and California, Truckee Meadows Water Authority, and Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe.
Truckee Storage Project, California/Nevada Supplemental water provided by the Truckee Storage Project is stored in Boca Reservoir on the Little Truckee River and released for better regulation of the Truckee River according to the Truckee River Agreement. The ditch companies which form the Washoe County Water Conservation District divert and deliver irrigation water, while 7 subdistricts maintain control and administration. Unit Description and Facilities

Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region  Public Affairs Office  2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento CA  95825-1898
Main (916) 978-5100   |   FAX (916) 978-5114   |   TDD (916) 978-5608

Reclamation Official's Telephone Numbers

As of: March 26, 2008

Non-interactive MP Region map relative to the rest of the Western USA States