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Short-Term Energy Outlook

Release Date: September 11, 2012  |  Next Release Date: October 10, 2012  |  Full Report    |   Text Only   |   All Tables   |   All Figures

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Table 9a : U.S. Macroeconomic Indicators and CO2 Emissions

aNatural gas share weights of individual sector indices based on EIA Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey.
bTotal highway travel includes gasoline and diesel fuel vehicles.
- = no data available
Notes: The approximate break between historical and forecast values is shown with estimates and forecasts in italics.
Historical data: Latest data available from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis; Federal Reserve System, Statistical release G17; Federal Highway Administration; and Federal Aviation Administration.
Minor discrepancies with published historical data are due to independent rounding.
Projections: Macroeconomic projections are based on the Global Insight Model of the U.S. Economy and Regional Economic Information and simulation of the EIA Regional Short-Term Energy Model..