ENERGY STAR® Testing and Verification

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are introducing new verification testing programs this spring (2011) in support of the ENERGY STAR program. These programs are designed to address vulnerabilities in the ENERGY STAR program and have been developed as part of the recent ENERGY STAR program enhancements. Both the DOE and EPA testing programs are focused on protecting consumers by ensuring that ENERGY STAR certified products are delivering the expected energy savings. DOE and EPA are working collaboratively to minimize duplicate testing except where useful to inform the effectiveness of the programs.

The two programs are complementary and both are based on lessons learned from the 2010 DOE pilot verification testing program. The DOE program is focusing on government-run testing for a subset of ENERGY STAR products that are part of DOE's regulatory program, while EPA's verification program is focusing on testing of at least 10% of ENERGY STAR certified basic models through third-party certification bodies (CBs). Both programs are sensitive to the testing burden associated with verification testing and have developed testing policies accordingly.

Additional Information

  • Additional information on the DOE testing program will be available on the DOE appliances website.
  • EPA requirements for verification testing for CBs are incorporated into the third-party certification requirements .
  • EPA and DOE are working collaboratively to share product test results for both programs. When products are referred to EPA for action as a result of testing conducted in DOE's verification of ENERGY STAR products, they will be posted on the DOE website. When products are disqualified due to testing failures, they will be posted on the EPA website.
  • Memorandum of Understanding on improving the energy efficiency of products and buildings between EPA and DOE establishes working arrangements to enhance and expand federal programs.

Current Activities

Historical Activities

Contact Information

Ashley Armstrong