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Federal Radon Action Plan Scorecard

 Action Status Legend

red button - No Progress to Date
No progress to date
yellow button - On Track to Complete the Commitment by the Target Completion Date
On track to complete the commitment by the target completion date
green button - Completed

Tracking Our Progress: By Progress

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The following is a breakdown by Progress:

(Last updated on August 20, 2012)

Status Commitment Target Completion Date
red button - No Progress to Date
DOD will review and update, as appropriate, the Unified Facility Criteria to reflect current standards for radon measurement, mitigation, and radon-resistant new construction for low rise buildings (e.g. multifamily, schools, daycare facilities).
red button - No Progress to Date
DOD will identify the universe of low-rise buildings in high radon potential areas (Zone 1) and for those buildings not previously addressed, develop a testing and mitigation plan for those at or above the EPA 4 pCi/L action level.
red button - No Progress to Date
HHS will include radon in healthy homes activities. Due to budget constraints, HHS will not be able to implement this activity.
red button - No Progress to Date
VA will explore providing a radon mitigation cost set-aside through its Home Loan Guarantee Program. Issue has been explored and requires legislative initiative. Issue in current form does not meet legislative agenda requirements.
Status Commitment Target Completion Date
yellow button - On Track to Complete the Commitment by the Target Completion Date
EPA, HUD, USDA, and HHS will collaborate on an interagency radon outreach initiative that builds on existing campaigns addressing home-based risk and or healthy homes. Fall 2012
yellow button - On Track to Complete the Commitment by the Target Completion Date
EPA, HUD, and USDA will engage the philanthropic community to support radon risk reduction in the context of their support for local healthy homes programs. June 2013

EPA is currently getting advice from philanthropic organizations on the best approach to use to get them interested in the issue of radon. A key step will be the development of a value proposition that lays out the benefits and return on investment. EPA will keep the other Action Plan agencies informed as the strategic approach and value proposition are developed.
yellow button - On Track to Complete the Commitment by the Target Completion Date
EPA and Treasury will work together to facilitate the deductibility of radon testing and mitigation costs within Health Spending Accounts. December 2012
yellow button - On Track to Complete the Commitment by the Target Completion Date
HUD will incorporate radon testing and mitigation into as many agency programs as possible to include public and other assisted housing. October 2012
yellow button - On Track to Complete the Commitment by the Target Completion Date
DOE will finish the radon study as part of the National Evaluation to determine whether the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) impacts radon levels in homes. Fall 2012
yellow button - On Track to Complete the Commitment by the Target Completion Date
DOE will test various remediation protocols to determine what level of effort is required when radon is discovered in a home or when the level rises after WAP services are delivered. Fall 2012
yellow button - On Track to Complete the Commitment by the Target Completion Date
DOD will develop a communications campaign to educate all personnel - living both on and off base - about the health risks associated with radon exposure and solutions to address these risks September 2012
yellow button - On Track to Complete the Commitment by the Target Completion Date
HUD will prepare a plan within the next 18 months to collect radon test results as part of its ongoing inspection protocol of public and assisted housing as the first step in conducting a baseline study of its housing stock. Plan by November 2012
yellow button - On Track to Complete the Commitment by the Target Completion Date
HHS and EPA will explore including radon in environmental health tracking. September 2012
yellow button - On Track to Complete the Commitment by the Target Completion Date
DOE and HUD will promote radon awareness through their weatherization and healthy homes outreach. DOE - Fall 2012
HUD - Completed

Radon incorporated in HUD's revised Healthy Homes Programs Guidance Manual (July 2012)
yellow button - On Track to Complete the Commitment by the Target Completion Date
VA will promote radon testing and mitigation through a comprehensive disclosure of the radon health risk to borrowers. December 2012
yellow button - On Track to Complete the Commitment by the Target Completion Date
DOI, through the National Park Service, will test approximately 5,000 residential units for radon. September 2012
yellow button - On Track to Complete the Commitment by the Target Completion Date
DOI, through the Bureau of Indian Affairs, will test approximately 3,500 residential units and 500 schools, and will work with Tribes to increase awareness of radon risk. June 2017

BIA completed the first phase of this effort and created guidance on radon testing and mitigation. Currently, BIA is developing a five year plan that will include a phased radon testing program and will be implemented depending on availability of funds for the remaining BIA housing and school units.
yellow button - On Track to Complete the Commitment by the Target Completion Date
GSA will explore testing for radon and mitigating high levels in childcare facilities through the Federal Real Property Program. June 2013

All GSA childcare facilities follow National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) accreditation standards. Radon assessment is part of this accreditation process. GSA will verify that testing was performed in accordance with EPA recommendations. If necessary, re-testing will be conducted (pending funding). If elevated radon levels are detected GSA will prioritize, design and schedule appropriate mitigation actions. (mitigation pending funding).

Status Commitment Target Completion Date
green button - Completed
USDA will develop working agreements with nonprofits that can assist 504 home repair grantees and loan recipients in funding mitigation efforts whenever radon is found at or above the EPA 4 pCi/L action level. Unnumbered Letter dated June 19, 2012 was signed by Tammy Trevino, Administrator for Rural Housing Service, and distributed across USDA programs to increase radon awareness, importance of testing, and look at potential funding opportunities.
green button - Completed
USDA will educate Rural Housing Grantee Program lenders and State Housing Finance Authorities about radon risks and encourage the testing of existing homes in Zone 1 and 2 areas. Unnumbered Letter dated June 19, 2012 was signed by Tammy Trevino, Administrator for Rural Housing Service, and distributed across USDA programs to increase radon awareness, importance of testing, and look at potential funding opportunities.
green button - Completed
USDA will leverage financing through renovation/repair programs and essential community programs to test and mitigate radon in schools and daycare facilities. Unnumbered Letter dated June 19, 2012 was signed by Tammy Trevino, Administrator for Rural Housing Service, and distributed across USDA programs to increase radon awareness, importance of testing, and look at potential funding opportunities.
green button - Completed
USDA will collaborate with the Cooperative Extension Service (CES) to focus their testing efforts on new and existing Rural Housing financed properties. Unnumbered Letter dated June 19, 2012 was signed by Tammy Trevino, Administrator for Rural Housing Service, and distributed across USDA programs to increase radon awareness, importance of testing, and look at potential funding opportunities.
green button - Completed
USDA will educate multifamily housing developers about radon risks and what construction mitigation strategies can be used when radon is found. Unnumbered Letter dated June 19, 2012 was signed by Tammy Trevino, Administrator for Rural Housing Service, and distributed across USDA programs to increase radon awareness, importance of testing, and look at potential funding opportunities.
green button - Completed
USDA will promote radon testing and mitigation through Rural Development Housing and Community Facilities Programs. Unnumbered Letter dated June 19, 2012 was signed by Tammy Trevino, Administrator for Rural Housing Service, and distributed across USDA programs to increase radon awareness, importance of testing, and look at potential funding opportunities.
green button - Completed
DOE will add a healthy homes curriculum to WAP training requirements that include radon identification and remediation protocols. Radon addressed in WAP Health and Safety Training Materials exiting EPA
green button - Completed
DOE will include training, described above, as part of DOE's routine health and safety training such that every worker in the WAP network will be trained over the next 2 years. Radon addressed at Weatherization Plus Health Regional Conferences exiting EPA and during the 2011 National Weatherization Training Conference.
green button - Completed
EPA will invest in new standards of practice for school measurement and mitigation, multifamily mitigation, and quality assurance. EPA has invested and established committees for the four standards. Please follow the links for more information on each standard:
green button - Completed
GSA will promote professional radon services to federal tenants. GSA, Public Buildings Service (PBS), minimizes radon exposures to building occupants by implementing radon programs in its buildings.
green button - Completed
HHS will work to increase radon awareness among states participating in the National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program. Implemented radon awareness in the following states:

green button - Completed
HHS will update the current Toxicological Profile for Radon. The Toxicological Profile for Radon (PDF) has been completed.
green button - Completed
HUD's PowerSaver Loan Program will make radon mitigation an explicitly eligible/allowable expense within the 25% non-energy related set-aside. Statement on Radon Mitigation As An Eligible PowerSaver Home Improvement Measure (PDF)
green button - Completed
HUD's Healthy Homes Production Program grantees will check for sources of radiation, such as from radon, as required by HUD's Healthy Homes Rating Tool. Mitigation is required for high radon levels. Radon inclusion in HUD Healthy Homes Rating System (PDF)
green button - Completed
DOI will send a message on the hazards of radon to approximately 70,000 employees. Agency-wide memo sent June and November 2011

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