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Infographic: Extending Middle-Class Tax Cuts


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President Obama is calling on Congress to make sure that taxes don’t go up on 98 percent of American families next year, as they are scheduled to do January 1, 2013. Learn more about his plan in this new infographic.

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Infographic: Extending Middle-Class Tax Cuts

  1. 1. EXTENDING MIDDLE-CLASS TAX CUTS IT’S THE RIGHT THING TO DO The President has called on Congress to act now to extend middle-class tax cuts and to not hold our economy and the middle class hostage over additional tax cuts for families making over $250,000 a year. P R E S I D E N T O B A MA’ S PRO POSAL TO EXT EN D M IDDL E-CL ASS TAX CUTS PROPOSED BY PRESIDENT OBAMA PASSED BY THE SENATE PASSED BY THE HOUSE SIGNED BY THE PRESIDENT JULY 09, 2012 JULY 25, 2012 AWAITING VOTE AWAITING BILL CONTINUING TAX CUTS FOR 98 PERCENT OF AMERICAN FAMILIES President Obama’s plan will make sure the 98 percent of American families with incomes of less than $250,000 continue to fully benefit from the income tax cuts that are set to expire at the end of 2012. LOWER TAX RATES ON THE FIRST $250,000 OF INCOME AMERICAN OPPORTUNITY AFFECTING TAX CREDIT 114 MILLION Families will continue getting MIDDLE-CLASS FAMILIES help to pay for college AFFECTING 11 MILLION FAMILIES MARRIAGE DOUBLED CHILD TAX CREDIT Couples will not be penalized with Families will continue receiving a higher taxes because they file jointly Child Tax Credit worth $1,000 per child AFFECTING AFFECTING 38 MILLION 35 MILLION COUPLES FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN Under the Republicans’ tax proposal, 25 million families that make less than $250,000 would see their taxes go up by an average of $1,000, while families making more than $1 million would get tax cuts worth an average $160,000. ELIMINATES REDUCES ELIMINATES American Opportunity Tax Credit The Child Tax Credit available to low‐ The Earned Income Tax Credit increase for larger families that helps families pay for college and moderate‐income working parents and would reduces the credit for many married couples The 2 percent of families who would see additional tax cuts under the Republican plan have an average income of $800,000. CONTINUING TAX CUTS FOR 97 PERCENT OF SMALL BUSINESSES President Obama’s plan would continue tax benefits that benefit 97 percent of small business owners. He’s also proposed two new tax credits to help businesses hire and grow. CONTINUE NEW EVERYONE, INCLUDING THOSE WITH INCOMES IMMEDIATE WRITE-OFFS FOR NEW INVESTMENT OVER $250,000, WILL ALSO BENEFIT FROM Lets firms continue to claim immediate tax write-offs for new investment through 2012, putting an additional $50 Lower tax rates on the first $250,000 of income billion in the hands of businesses in 2012 and 2013 Marriage penalty relief NEW Tax deductions for up to $250,000 of new investment A 10 PERCENT INCOME TAX CREDIT FOR FIRMS THAT HIRE MORE WORKERS OR INCREASE WAGES The credit is capped, which helps target its benefits to smaller businesses The 3 percent of ‘small business owners’ who would not get continued tax cuts on their income above $250,000 include high-income professionals and individuals who receive income from businesses that have no employees. 18 TAX EXAMPLES CUTS Wealthy individuals whose “small business” is renting out their vacation home or other property Law firm partners, hedge fund managers and other Since taking office, the President has highly compensated professionals who organize their signed into law 18 tax cuts that help small businesses as partnerships. businesses grow, hire, and invest REDUCING THE FEDERAL DEFICIT The President’s proposal will save almost $1.16 trillion over the next decade. $191 BILLION $1.16 TRILLION IN SAVINGS $119 BILLION Interest savings Reinstate the $7 million per-couple estate tax exemption, which exempts all but the wealthiest 3 in 1,000 decedents from tax Making the high- income tax cuts $849 BILLION permanent would add Ending tax cuts on income almost $1.16 trillion over $250,000 to deficits over the next 10 years. SURPLUS + $0 DEBT -Source: The President’s FY 2013 Budget NUMBER OF AMERICAN FAMILIES FACING A TAX INCREASE IF CONGRESS FAILS TO ACT On January 1, 2013, taxes are scheduled to go up for 114 million middle class families by an average of $1,600. 500K 2.5M 300K 400K 500K 300K 2M 1.4M 2.5M 2.2M 500K 300K 7.3M 200K 3.7M 400K 1.1M 4.9M 1M 700K 1.4M 2.4M 4.3M 900K 4.8M 1.9M 3.4M 600K 1M 2.9M 13.2M 1.5M 2.1M 300K 3.3M 2.3M 2.2M 2.1M 700K 1.3M 1M 500K 1.6M 1.7M 3.5M 300K 1M 8.7M 1.6M The average 7.6M tax increase 300K would be $1600 # M I D D L EC L A S S TA XC U TS L E A R N M O R E AT W H I T E H O U S E.G OV/ TA X E S August 09, 2012
