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American Jobs Act

by on Sep 12, 2011


President Obama sent the American Jobs Act to Congress to help grow the economy and put Americans back to work.

President Obama sent the American Jobs Act to Congress to help grow the economy and put Americans back to work.



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http://www.techgig.com 28
http://elpasodemocrats.org 28
http://theplandoctor.com 26
http://www.blogger.com 25
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  • plugspattesting Plugs Pat Testing at Plugs Pat Testing a must view hhp://www.plugspattesting.co.uk 8 months ago
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  • mrballoon mrballoon Good well worth a view... http://www.mr-balloon.co.uk 8 months ago
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  • ashleysimonite ashleysimonite interesting watch http://www.ashleyknight.co.uk 8 months ago
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    การเรียนภาษาอังกฤษออนไลน์ | เรียน อังกฤษ online | ฝึกเรียนภาษาอังกฤษออนไลน์ | การเรียนพูดภาษาอังกฤษ | เรียน english online
    10 months ago
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  • outfyahleague Hunny Bee I love the idea. I hope small business owners take advantage of the information and use it to hire more employees before the end of the year. 1 year ago
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  • filmflash filmflash I pray for our president ....Hope 1 year ago
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  • JohnSCaswell John S. Caswell, Self employed consultant at home Please see EMPLOYMENT page at www.movingforwardtogether.info
    Thank you. John S. Caswell
    1 year ago
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  • BrianSchauerte Brian Schauerte, Information Specialist at Geonex read section 245 which establishes the new corporate america ... the rest follows as to how control will be executed!
    It is NOT a Jobs Bill ... 'pass this bill' to give HIM total control to overrule the Constitution.
    1 year ago
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  • BrianSchauerte Brian Schauerte, Information Specialist at Geonex 200 pages I shall digest tomorrow with positive intent to regurgitate 1 year ago
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