
Blogs give voice to spouses

Like meeting military spouses in real life, reading military spouse blogs reveals a diverse community. Revealing a wide range of personalities, the blogs are by turns informative, funny, poignant and inspiring.

An Army wife stationed overseas, Ann Marie Detavernier, wrote me to share an extensive list of blogs by military spouses, which she has compiled on her own blog, Household 6 Diva.

Christmas for an imperfect world

The first snowfall – a perfect morning to light a few candles, sip a second cup of coffee and look out the window while huge, wet flakes covered up the muddy construction zone our on-post neighborhood has become.

Can’t quite figure out why this improvement project was scheduled when the neighborhood is full and busy, not to mention cold and wet. In a perfect world, no doubt it would have happened in the summer, when traffic and temperatures were more hospitable.

DeCA decks the shelves

You may not know Stephen Armbruster, but if your family is stationed in Europe, he is wondering whether you’ll eat turkey or ham for Christmas. In fact, he’s been thinking about it all year.

He’s interested in your holiday dinner, because as the marketing branch chief for the Defense Commissary Agency, Europe, he ordered 1.2 million pounds of turkey and a quarter million pounds of ham – back in February.

Marshmallow world

A few days ago I had a teleconference with several officials from the Defense Commissary Agency, Europe. Naturally, as a serious journalist, I had burning questions to ask.

Like “Why are the marshmallows all stuck together?”

The wrong kind of lights

Fumbling and fuming my way along shelves full of the wrong kind of Christmas lights at the PX, I ran into my friend, Melody.

“Hi Terri, how are you?” she asked.

About the Author

Terri Barnes is a military wife and mother of three living in Virginia. Her column for military spouses, "Spouse Calls," appears here and in Stars and Stripes print editions each week. Leave comments on the blog or write to her at

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