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Detection, Enforcement, and Inspection


The goal of this program is to manage programs, direct research and development efforts, and develop performance standards, guidelines and reports for equipment for detection, inspection, and enforcement in support of the goals and priorities of both NIST and the outside agency sponsors. To provide technical support to the traffic enforcement system as administered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP).


As America's homeland security efforts to detect, locate, and interdict threats intensify, the work of OLES' Detection, Enforcement, and Inspection (DEI) program becomes increasingly more important. DEI is responsible for a technologically broad portfolio. The program areas of DEI presently are: 


Major Accomplishments:

DEI managed programs have resulted in:

  • Metal detector testing
  • Millimeter-wave concealed weapon detective systems
  • Radio frequency identification of dangerous liquids
  • Imaging metrology activities
  • Biometric recognition
  • Traffic enforcement technologies
  • Through-barrier technologies
  • Weapon performance characterization

End Date:


Lead Organizational Unit:



Nicholas Paulter
Donald Larson
John Jendzurski

Nicholas Paulter
301-975-2405 Telephone

100 Bureau Drive, M/S 8102
Gaithersburg, MD  20899-8102