Crises and Conflict - Countries



A USAID-supported cholera treatment center treats patients during Haiti’s historic cholera outbreak in late 2010.
A USAID-supported cholera treatment center treats patients during Haiti’s historic cholera outbreak in late 2010.
Kendra Helmer/USAID




The USAID Administrator is designated as the President’s Special Coordinator for International Disaster Assistance, and USAID employs disaster management specialists to provide and coordinate U.S. Government (USG) humanitarian assistance in response to international crises. In cooperation with other USG offices and international humanitarian experts, USAID continuously monitors global hazards, identifies potential areas of need, and responds when disaster strikes. Specifically, USAID addresses the distinct needs of each disaster-affected community with activities that restore livelihoods through training in essential job skills, improve food security by providing seeds and tools to increase agricultural production, rehabilitate damaged water and sanitation facilities, erect temporary and transitional shelter, and support vaccines, disease surveillance systems, and other life-saving health services. Throughout the world, USAID prioritizes the needs of the most vulnerable populations impacted by disaster, from infants requiring treatment for malnutrition to female-headed households that need agricultural and livelihoods support after losing their crops to drought or floods. For additional details on USAID’s humanitarian assistance to nations that have recently experienced disasters, please select a country from the list above.


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Last updated: October 10, 2012


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