Work Stoppages Summary

For release 10:00 a.m. (EST) Wednesday, February 8, 2012                                  USDL-12-0215

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                                        MAJOR WORK STOPPAGES IN 2011

     In 2011, there were 19 major strikes and lockouts involving 1,000 or more workers and lasting at least 
one shift, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.  The 19 major work stoppages in 2011 
idled 113,000 workers for 1.02 million lost workdays, a large increase compared to 2010 with 11 major 
work stoppage idling 45,000 workers for 302,000 lost workdays. In 2009, there were record lows of 5 
major work stoppages idling 13,000 workers for 124,000 lost workdays. (See table 1.)

     The longest work stoppage beginning in 2011 was between American Crystal Sugar Company and the 
Bakery, Confectionary, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers, Sugar Council.  The ongoing work stoppage 
began in August and has lasted throughout the remainder of 2011 (105 workdays) with 1,300 workers 
accounting for 136,500 lost workdays. The largest work stoppage in 2011 in terms of number of workers 
and total workdays idle was between Verizon Communications and the Communications Workers of 
America and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, with 45,000 workers accounting for 
450,000 lost workdays. (See table 2.)

     This release includes information for the work stoppage between the National Football League (NFL) 
and the NFL Players Association. The work stoppage between the National Basketball Association 
(NBA) and the NBA Players Association involved fewer than 1,000 workers and is therefore not part of 
this data series. 

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Last Modified Date: February 08, 2012