
Category Archives: In the News

Today, Congresswoman Donna Edwards tried to get Do-Nothing Republicans to come back to the floor to work on the long list of unfinished business the GOP left behind when they rang the recess bell.  The GOP gaveled her down and … Continue reading

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Today, Speaker Boehner confirmed the House Republicans have no intention of bringing a Farm Bill to the floor for a vote before leaving for a two month vacation. Farmers and experts agree this is exactly the wrong decision for American … Continue reading

Posted in Economic News, In the News, Labor and American Jobs | Leave a comment

House Republicans rang the recess bell earlier this month and left behind a long list of unfinished business including a jobs agenda, middle class tax cuts, and the farm bill. Their unwillingness to work with President Obama and their failure … Continue reading

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The House Democratic Leader’s press office released this new video, “GOP Wasting Time on A Message Vote to Nowhere,” using Speaker Boehner’s own “Where are the Jobs?” to highlight the GOP’s continued pursuit of a political agenda, voting to repeal … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, In the News, Labor and American Jobs | Leave a comment

Americans are looking for jobs, and Republicans are looking to score cheap political points with message bills to nowhere.  The American people deserve better. Instead of working with Democrats to create jobs and strengthen the middle class, House Republicans are … Continue reading

Posted in In the News, What's Happening | Leave a comment

Congressional Republicans have so far chosen to stand with millionaires instead of the middle class. And despite the GOP’s debt ceiling debacle which unquestionably hurt our economy last year, Speaker Boehner is gearing up to do it again. In a column … Continue reading

Posted in Economic News, In the News | Leave a comment

To:  Congressional Republicans Fr:   Democratic Leader’s Press Office Dt:   May 29, 2012 Re:  Why Wait? We both agree that taxes should not be hiked on America’s middle class.  So why wait to provide American families and small businesses … Continue reading

Posted in Fiscal Responsibility, In the News | Leave a comment

Today Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to Speaker Boehner calling for the House to immediately vote on a permanent extension of the middle income tax cuts – for those making up to $1 million – and use the … Continue reading

Posted in Fiscal Responsibility, In the News, Leader Pelosi | Leave a comment

“If we really are serious about getting the American people back to work, removing the clouds of uncertainty are important. We — you look at the end of the year, we’re looking at the largest tax increase in America history … Continue reading

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House Republicans continue to choose politics over progress, regardless of the consequences for our economy. After squandering more than ten weeks trying and failing to pass their partisan “my way or the highway” transportation bill, House Republicans still refuse to … Continue reading

Posted in In the News, Labor and American Jobs | Leave a comment