Chinese Community Health Resource Center
Simplified Chinese
Traditional ChineseEnglish

  • Sponsors
  • CCHP
  • Chinese Hospital


  • Sponsors

    Contact Us
  • Address: 845 Jackson Street, Room 101, San Francisco, CA 94133
    Phone: 415-677-2473

  • * The project described was supported by U54 CA153499, the Asian American Network for Cancer Awareness, Research and Training from the Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities, National Cancer Institute. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the National Cancer Institute.

    Health Information
    Health Information

    With today's advanced technology comes an overflow of information on the Internet. It can therefore be overwhelming to find health information that is reliable and specific to one's culture and personal needs. CCHRC is therefore proud to provide a vast variety of health information that is precise, updated, and linguistically and culturally sensitive to the Chinese community. The Center houses a collection of professionally developed and bilingual health education material in its wellness library. CCHRC's health newsletters and articles are written and complied by its staff upon extensive research, edited and approved by physicians of the Chinese Community Health Care Association (CCHCA). You can rely on CCHRC when it comes to learning about your health.

    Educational material development process

    When planning and developing health education materials, CCHRC adopts a comprehensive and inclusive method, taking into consideration suggestions from several fronts, including those from our health seminar participants and requests from healthcare providers. The process also incorporates health trends and local needs based on health statistics. Recommendation for educational material topics are discussed and determined at the board of directors level. Then CCHRC health education staff develops and translates the educational materials based on current literature. Focus groups and lay people are involved in field-testing the materials, and providers’ feedbacks are always solicited for clinical accuracy before finalization.