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University of Massachusetts Medical School - Shrewsbury campus
222 Maple Ave, Chang 102
Shrewsbury MA , 01545-2732

NER Connects Webinar Series

Contact: Mark Goldstein and Michelle Eberle, Myrna Morales, and Javier Crespo
Contact: 508-856-5964 - http://nnlm.gov/ner/ - North Atlantic region
This is an ongoing monthly series presented by coordinators from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, New England Region (NN/LM NER), along with guest speakers.
CE Contact Hours: 1 per session • e-Learning, Hands-on, Specialization, RML Offerings about Assessment/Evaluation, Consumer Health, Electronic Resources, Evidence Based Health Care, Expert Searching, Health Care Informatics, Leadership, NLM Databases, Outreach/Advocacy, Subject Specific Resources, Teaching/Instruction, Technology/Systems, Web Design
Lecture, Demonstration, Slides, Panel Discussion, Discussion, Dialog, and Brainstorming.
National Network of Libraries of Medicine
10 North 1900 East Building 589
Salt Lake City UT , 84112

Developing Data Services to Support eScience/eResearch

Contact: John Bramble and Jian Qin, Ph. D
Contact: 801 585 5743 - http://nnlm.gov/mcr - Midcontinental region
E-Science is the new paradigm of science that is characterized as data-driven, highly distributed and collaborative, and computing dependent. This paradigm shift has raised new challenges in a largely-untested territory for librarians and information professionals: eScience is generating more data than scientists can manage and the lagging in data management and curation is hurting science research productivity. Research librarians in many countries have initiated services in support of eScience. One of such services is helping researchers manage and curate their research data. Data management for research in science and social sciences involves policy, technological, social, legal, and administrative issues at various levels (research team, administrative, institutional, national, and international). This lecture includes a brief overview of eScience and basic concepts such as dataset, data repository, data collections, and data policy, which will be discussed in the context of biomedical and health sciences. A case study will be presented as an example of developing and implementing data services. The participants will also have a chance working in groups to conduct case studies and share their case analysis results.
CE Contact Hours: 3 • Handout**, Specialization, RML Offerings about Archives/Institutional Repositories, Health Care Informatics, Leadership, Research, Technology/Systems
Lecture, Slides, and Case Study.
University of Maryland, Baltimore
601 W. Lombard St.
Baltimore MD , 21201

Beyond the SEA

Contact: David Midyette
Contact: 410-706-2855 Fax: 410-706-0099 - http://nnlm.gov/sea/services/webconf/index.html - Mid-Atlantic region
Beyond the SE/A is a monthly webinar from the Southeastern/Atlantic Regional Medical Library of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM SE/A). Speakers cover different topics of interest to health science librarians, health care practitioners, librarians, and other health focused groups in the region. Topics include new and updated National Library of Medicine (NLM) resources, RML Awardee presentations on their research and outreach programs, Disaster Resources, Electronic Health Records, and many others related to health science and health care. All sessions are online webinars using Adobe Connect, which allows for live phone conversation and online chat. Beyond the SE/A sessions are held on the Third Wednesday of every month at Noon (ET) and last an hour. Sessions are recorded, closed captioned, and made available for later viewing.
CE Contact Hours: 1 • e-Learning, RML Offerings about Assessment/Evaluation, Consumer Health, Disaster Preparedness, Electronic Resources, Evidence Based Health Care, Expert Searching, Health Care Informatics, Leadership, Management, New Librarian, NLM Databases, Outreach/Advocacy, Publishing, Reference Resources & Services, Research, Subject Specific Resources, Teaching/Instruction, Technical Services, Technology/Systems
Lecture, Demonstration, Slides, Panel Discussion, Discussion, Case Study, and Other.
NN/LM - PSR, UCLA Biomedical Library
12-077 Center for the Health Sciences
Box 951798
Los Angeles CA , 90095-1798

Teaching with Technology: Tips, Techniques and Tools

Contact: Kay Deeney and Sharon Dennis
Contact: 310-206-0525 Fax: 310-825-5389 - http://nnlm.gov/training - Midcontinental region
This course will acquaint attendees with information about using technology tools for teaching distance learning courses. We will discuss options and best practices for asynchronous and synchronous distance classes, as well as “blended” classes that offer both in-person and online options. Adult learning principles will be reviewed. We will examine and discuss examples of software and website tools in teaching as well as hardware considerations.
CE Contact Hours: 8.0 • e-Learning, Hands-on, RML Offerings about Teaching/Instruction, Technology/Systems
Lecture, Demonstration, Slides, Discussion, Simulation, and Hands-on Exercises.
Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center (HAM-TMC) Library
1133 John Freeman Blvd.
Houston TX , 77030

That's a Wrap: Creating and Editing Video

Contact: Emily Hurst
Contact: 713-799-7189 Fax: 713-790-7030 - http://nnlm.gov/scr - Midwest region
Making educational or promotional videos once cost thousands of dollars and meant investing in lots of equipment. Today with affordable video cameras, web cams and easy to use software, grassroots video creation is becoming more common. This class will provide an introduction to video creation methods and techniques. Various software options will be explored including low-cost and free software options. Hands-on activities will demonstrate the ease of using mini cameras and using editing software.
CE Contact Hours: 4.0 • Face to Face, RML Offerings, Chapter Offerings about Technology/Systems
Lecture, Demonstration, Discussion, Brainstorming, Simulation, and Hands-on Exercises.

RML Rendezvous

Contact: Nikki Dettmar
Contact: 206-543-3409 - http://nnlm.gov/pnr/training/RMLrendezvous.html - Pacific Northwest region
RML Rendezvous is a monthly webcast series presented by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine Pacific Northwest Region(NN/LM PNR) coordinators and guest speakers. Each month a different topic, which may include one or more databases from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and other resources of interest to those serving health information needs, is highlighted. Each session includes objectives, assessment questions, and evaluation following the presentation. All sessions are presented as online webcasts using Adobe Connect, allowing for live phone conversation and online chat. Topics in 2013 include: PubMed, toxicology resources, and health literacy. All sessions are recorded with closed captioning and archived at http://nnlm.gov/pnr/training/RMLrendezvous.html
CE Contact Hours: 1 • e-Learning, RML Offerings about Assessment/Evaluation, Consumer Health, Disaster Preparedness, Electronic Resources, Evidence Based Health Care, Expert Searching, Health Care Informatics, NLM Databases, Outreach/Advocacy, Publishing, Reference Resources & Services, Research, Subject Specific Resources, Teaching/Instruction, Technology/Systems
Lecture, Demonstration, Slides, Discussion, Dialog, and Brainstorming.
NN/LM Greater Midwest Region
1750 W. Polk St., M/C 763
Chicago IL , 60612

Third-Party PubMed Tools

Contact: Holly Burt and NN/LM Instructors
Contact: 3129962464 Fax: 3129962226 - http://nnlm.gov/training/thirdpartypubmed/ - Midwest region
The freely available PubMed API (application programming interface) makes it possible for programmers from outside of the National Library of Medicine to develop alternatives to PubMed.gov for searching NLM’s vast database of biomedical journal literature citations. This three-hour workshop will introduce several popular and free third-party PubMed tools, comparing and contrasting them with the PubMed.gov interface. Through case studies, group exercises and hands-on practice, participants will explore the strengths and limitations of about a dozen alternative search tools.
CE Contact Hours: 3 or 4 • Face to Face, Hands-on, RML Offerings, Chapter Offerings about Electronic Resources, Expert Searching, Reference Resources & Services, Technology/Systems
Lecture, Demonstration, Slides, Dialog, Brainstorming, Hands-on Exercises, and Case Study.
National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Greater Midwest Region
University of Illinois at Chicago
1750 W. Polk Street, MC 763
Chicago IL , 60612

Mobile Technologies at the Bedside: A symposium

Contact: Ruth Holst and Max Anderson, Susan Fowler, and Heather Holmes
Contact: 312-996-6872 Fax: 312-996-2226 - Midwest region
This 3-hour symposium will provide an introduction to the use of mobile devices for accessing health information resources at the bedside. The audience will hear about the first-hand experiences of two clinical librarians and the perspective of a vendor of health information products designed for use at the bedside.
CE Contact Hours: 3 hours • Face to Face, RML Offerings about Electronic Resources, Health Care Informatics, Technology/Systems
Lecture, Slides, and Discussion.
National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Northwest Region
University of Washington
Box 357155
Seattle WA , 98195

Making Connections: Electronic Health Records and Librarians

Contact: Nikki Dettmar and Emily Hurst
Contact: 206-543-3409 - Pacific Northwest region
This class will provide an introduction to electronic health records (EHRs) and the conjunction of health information technology (health IT), information professionals, and patients accessing information through EHRs and/or the Internet. Participants will learn about the information components within EHRs, Federal legislation regarding EHRs, and roles for librarians within their institutions and working with patients regarding EHRs.
CE Contact Hours: 4 • e-Learning, RML Offerings about Electronic Resources, Health Care Informatics, Technology/Systems
Slides, Learning Videotape, Discussion, Brainstorming, Sharing/Self-disclosure, Hands-on Exercises, and Case Study.
NN/LM Pacific Southwest Region, UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library
Box 951798, CHS 12-077
Los Angeles CA , 90095-1798

Midday at the Oasis

Contact: Kay Deeney
Contact: 310-206-0525 - http://nnlm.gov/psr/services/webmeeting/index.html - Southern California and Arizona region
Midday at the Oasis is the monthly web conference presented by the Pacific Southwest Region of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine on various topics of interest to health sciences librarians and others. The Midday webinar highlights topics such as databases from the National Library of Medicine, mobile options, and new trends in health care and librarianship. Each class includes objectives and an evaluation following the class. Recent topics were Resources for Veterans and their Families, PubMed Health, Gene Indexing Assistant and Sexual Violence Resources. Midday at the Oasis is usually held the third Wednesday of every month from 1-2 PM (PT).
CE Contact Hours: 1.0 • e-Learning, RML Offerings about Consumer Health, Disaster Preparedness, Evidence Based Health Care, Expert Searching, Health Care Informatics, Leadership, Management, NLM Databases, Outreach/Advocacy, Research, Subject Specific Resources, Teaching/Instruction, Technology/Systems
Lecture, Demonstration, Slides, Discussion, and Sharing/Self-disclosure.