Patuxent Wildlife Research Center

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Public Events - 75th Anniversary

February 24 - Seminar Series - Dr. Scott McWilliams, Assessing the impact of offshore wind development on birds: the Rhode Island Ocean SAMP approach - Spec. Area Mgmt Plan

March 2 - Seminar Series - Dr. Matthew C. Perry - 75 Years of Wildlife Conservation Research

March 10 - Seminar Series - Dr. Julius Morkunas - Waterfowl Studies in Lithuania

March 25-27 - Art Show in late March

April 12 - Seminar Series - Dr. Taber Allison – Director of American Wind Wildlife Institute

May 5 - Dr. David L. Trauger "Clinging to the Cliff: Wildlife Conservation on The Energy Down Slope"

June 29 - Mark Otto "Surveying Bald Eagles at a Continental Scale"

August 16 - Dr. Gaby Chavarria "Science Excellence in the Fish & Wildlife Service – Applied Science for Informed Management"

September 8 - Dr. Douglas Gill "A field of Dreams:An Experiment in Grassland Restoration in Maryland"

October 13-14 - Workshop on Patuxent History (Visitor Center)

October 15 - Patuxent Wildlife Festival - Open to the Public


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