United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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§ 110.86 Notice of oral hearing.

(a) A notice of oral hearing will:

(1) State the time, place and issues to be considered;

(2) Provide names and addresses of participants;

(3) Designate the presiding officer;

(4) Specify the time limit for participants and others to indicate whether they wish to present views; and

(5) State any other instructions the Commission deems appropriate.

(b) If the Commission is not the presiding officer, the notice of oral hearing will also state:

(1) When the jurisdiction of the presiding officer commences and terminates;

(2) The powers of the presiding officer; and

(3) Instructions to the presiding officer to certify promptly the completed hearing record to the Commission without preliminary decision or findings, unless the Commission directs otherwise.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, September 19, 2012