Title II Reports on the Quality of Teacher Preparation

Preparing and Credentialing the Nation's Teachers: The Secretary's Eighth Report on Teacher Quality; Based on Data Provided for 2008, 2009, and 2010 download files PDF (5.62 MB)

The Secretary's Eighth Report on Teacher Quality presents the most current information for the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the outlying areas, which include American Samoa, the Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, the Marshall Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, and the Virgin Islands, on the implementation of the teacher quality provisions of Title II of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA).

State Reports On The Quality Of Teacher Preparation

Title II of the Higher Education Act requires three annual reports on the quality of teacher preparation. Schools of education are to report to states the pass rates of their graduates on state certification assessments and other program data in April. States in turn are required to report to the U.S. Department of Education information on certification and licensure requirements, pass rates on state assessments disaggregated and ranked by institution, and other information in October. The Department is making the state reports readily accessible through the Web at https://title2.ed.gov/View.asp.

The required reports due in October of each year were submitted by all states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and outlying territories. These state reports include information on:

  • State certification and license requirements for completers of regular and alternate teacher preparation programs
  • Statewide pass rates on state assessments of graduates of teacher preparation programs, and quartile rankings of their institutions of higher education based on their pass rates
  • Number of teachers on waivers or emergency/temporary permits (allowed to teach without having an initial full certificate or license)
  • Information on teacher standards and their alignment with student standards
  • Criteria for identifying low-performing schools of education

Title II State Coordinators: Provides contact information for Title II data collection and reporting in each of the states.

Technical Assistance

A technical assistance Web site for states and institutions regarding the Title II reporting requirements is available at: https://title2.ed.gov/ContactsHelp.asp.

Prior Year Reports

The Secretary's Seventh Annual Report on Teacher Quality: A Highly Qualified Teacher in Every Classroom download files PDF (1.49 MB)
Accessible (508-Compliant) Version of the Secretary's Seventh Annual Report on Teacher Quality download files PDF (25 MB)
Note: The 508-compliant file is quite large and may take some time to download. It was designed to work with screen reader software.

The Secretary's Sixth Annual Report on Teacher Quality: A Highly Qualified Teacher in Every Classroom download files PDF (2.55 MB)

The Secretary's Fifth Annual Report on Teacher Quality: A Highly Qualified Teacher in Every Classroom download files PDF (1.6 MB) | MS Word (2.6 MB)

The Secretary's Fourth Annual Report on Teacher Quality download files PDF (2.8 MB) | MS Word (1.8 MB)

The Secretary's third annual report on teacher quality download files PDF (5.7MB)

The Secretary's second annual report on teacher quality download files PDF (2.1 MB)

The Secretary's first annual report on teacher quality was issued in 2002. download files PDF (1.8 MB)

Initial Report of the Secretary on the Quality of Teacher Preparation

This Initial Report of the Secretary of Education is the first of a series of reports required by the Higher Education Amendments of 1998. The information included in this report is based only on data readily available in the states when surveyed in spring 1999. This release corrects production errors identified in the Texas State profile in the previous version of this report.
download files PDF (2.8 MB)

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Last Modified: 12/14/2011