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FLSA Claim Decisions Table

See the Notes section following the list for information about decision numbers and downloading decisions.

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Claim Decisions


General Schedule--0000 Miscellaneous Occupations Group

Case Issues Outcome
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Unspecified Services
  • Setting of pay, seniority, contract interpretation
OPM lacks subject matter and claims jurisdiction
F-0000-00-01, 05/18/09,
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Unspecified Services
  • Definition of work
  • Employment status
Lack of standing (employment); OPM lacks claims jurisdiction; failure to file a valid claim
F-0000-00-01R, 07/09/09,
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Unspecified Services
  • Request for assistance
  • Denial of quid pro quo
Reopening and reconsideration denied; failure to establish claimant was an employee for purposes of the FLSA
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Transportation Security Screener
  • Overtime pay for 20 hours of overtime worked
No change: Remains exempt
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Correctional Officer
  • Executive exemption
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
Compressed work schedule; no overtime worked; no money due
F-0025-09-01, 03/05/08,
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Park Ranger
  • Standby Pay
  • Suffer or permit
  • Travel time
Isolated worksite does not create a standby entitlement; claimant has not established suffer and permitted work was performed; travel time within a duty station is not compensable under case circumstances; no overtime pay is due
F-0025-12-01, 02/08/07,
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Park Ranger
  • Overtime for emergencies should have been paid at time and a half
Emergency situation never declared: Claim denied
F-0080-12-01r, 05/05/10,
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Security Administration
  • Addtional overtime pay
  • Willful violation
Claimant made whole by the agency; part of claim is time barred; willful violation did not occur; no additional overtime pay is due.
F-0080-12-02r, 05/05/10,
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Security Administration
  • Addtional overtime pay
  • Willful violation
Claimant made whole by the agency; part of claim is time barred; willful violation did not occur; no additional overtime pay is due.
F-0080-12-03r, 05/05/10,
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Security Administration
  • Addtional overtime pay
  • Willful violation
Claimant made whole by the agency; part of claim is time barred; willful violation did not occur; no additional overtime pay is due.
F-0080-12-04r, 05/05/10,
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Security Administration
  • Addtional overtime pay
  • Willful violation
Claimant made whole by agency; willful violation did not occur; no additional overtime pay is due
F-0080-12-05r, 05/05/10,
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Security Administration
  • Addtional overtime pay
  • Willful violation
Claimant made whole by the agency; part of claim is time barred; willful violation did not occur; no additional overtime pay is due.
F-0080-12-06r, 05/05/10,
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Security Administration
  • Addtional overtime pay
  • Willful violation
Claimant made whole by the agency; part of claim is time barred; willful violation did not occur; no additional overtime pay is due.
F-0080-12-07r, 05/05/10,
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Security Administration
  • Addtional overtime pay
Claimant made whole by the agency; part of claim is time barred; willful violation did not occur; no additional overtime pay is due.
F-0080-12-08r, 05/05/10,
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Security Administration
  • Addtional overtime pay
Claimant made whole by the agency; part of claim is time barred; willful violation did not occur; no additional overtime pay is due.
F-0081-08-01, 03/11/98,
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Fire Protection and Prevention
  • Negotiated grievance procedure (NGP) as sole administrative remedy
  • Statute of limitations
Claim subject to NGP
F-0081-09-01, 05/28/97,
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Fire Protection and Prevention
  • Executive exemption
  • Exempt but believe should be nonexempt
  • Fire protection personnel, and 80 percent test
No change: Remains exempt
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  • Overtime for hours of work in excess of 8 hours in a day
  • Compressed work schedule
  • Willful violation
Claimant was under a compressed work schedule; no overtime pay due; willful violation did not occur
F-0083-06-01, 12/11/97,
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  • Call-back time
  • Electronic devices
  • On-call duty
  • Pager
  • Standby time
Time in on-call status is not hours of work under FLSA
F-0083-07-01, 06/22/98,
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  • Canine
  • De minimis
  • Executive exemption
  • Exempt but believe should be nonexempt
  • Law enforcement personnel, and 80 percent test
Changed from exempt to nonexempt Overtime pay is due
F-0084-08-01, 10/04/99,
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Nuclear Materials Courier
  • Workday not limited to a calendar day or any other 24-hour period
No overtime pay due
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  • Back pay for time spent in training
  • Flexible work schedule
Claimant not on valid maxiflex schedule; additional pay is due

General Schedule--0200 Human Resources Management Group

Case Issues Outcome
F-0201-07-01, 05/15/05,
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Human Resources Management
  • Overtime pay for time spent traveling
Claimant due overtime pay for certain hours of travel
F-0201-07-01R, 12/29/06,
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Human Resources Management
  • Liquidated damages
  • Punitive damages
  • Designation of representative
Liquidated and punitive damages not available to administrative claims subject to the Back Pay Act
F-0260-09-01, 11/07/06,
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Equal Employment Opportunity
  • Overtime pay for time spent traveling
Claimant due overtime pay for certain hours of travel

General Schedule--0300 General Administrative, Clerical, and Office Services Group

Case Issues Outcome
F-0301-10-01, 01/12/98,
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(no title)
  • Administrative exemption
  • Base salary
  • Base salary adjustment
  • Geographic differential
  • Hourly rate
  • Liquidated damages
  • Professional exemption
  • Retroactive adjustment of FLSA exemption status
  • Straight-time rate
  • Willful violation
No change: Remains nonexempt
Overtime pay is due
F-0301-12-01, 09/20/07,
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(no title)
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Remains exempt
F-0303-06-01, 05/31/01,
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Miscellaneous Clerk and Assistant
  • Controlling an employee's work hours
  • Hours of work
  • Overtime pay due criteria
  • Refuting a claim
  • Supporting a claim
Overtime pay due
F-0334-12-01, 04/09/02,
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Computer Specialist
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
No change: Remains exempt
F-0343-14-01, 12/18/07,
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Program Analyst
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Remains exempt

General Schedule--0400 Biological Sciences Group

Case Issues Outcome
F-0457-11-01, 06/28/02,
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Soil Conservationist
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
No change: Remains exempt
F-0470-11-01, 06/18/03,
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Soil Scientist
  • Exemption status
  • Overtime pay
  • Title 5 overtime premium pay
  • Ordered and approved
Exemption status not at issue; claim should have been filed under the provisions of Part 178 of 5 CFR; claim denied since the record does not show overtime work was ordered and approved by an authorized official

General Schedule--0500 Accounting and Budget Group

Case Issues Outcome
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Budget Analyst
  • Avenue of redress
  • Capped overtime
  • FLSA claims subject-matter coverage
Claimants may file a claim either with the employing agency or OPM; FLSA overtime is not capped; FLSA claims procedures do not cover payroll processing disputes
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Credit Union Examiner
  • Professional exemption
  • Compensation for travel time
No change: Remains exempt

General Schedule--0600 Medical, Hospital, Dental, and Public Health Group

Case Issues Outcome
F-0610-09-01, 07/01/09,
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Clinical Nurse
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
  • Professional exemption
  • Primary duty test
No change: Remains exempt
F-0640-09-01, 07/03/01,
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Health Aid and Technician
  • Compensation for travel time
No change: Remains nonexempt
Overtime pay is due
F-0681-04-01, 07/19/00,
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Dental Assistant
  • Attorney fees
  • On-call duty
  • Pagers
  • Standby duty
On-call status is not hours of work under FLSA
No overtime pay due

General Schedule--0800 Engineering and Architecture Group

Case Issues Outcome
F-0802-11-01, 11/12/97,
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Engineering Technician
  • Administrative exemption
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
  • Settlement agreement
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt Overtime pay is due
F-0802-11-02, 10/08/99,
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Engineering Technician
  • Administrative exemption
  • Call-back
  • Executive exemption
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
  • Professional exemption
  • Standby duty
  • Supporting a claim
  • Travel on workdays and nonworkdays
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt
F-0802-11-03, 08/06/01,
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Engineering Technician
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
  • Classification
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt
Overtime pay is due
F-0802-11-04, 10/12/01,
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Engineering Technician
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
  • Position may not be functioning as it is currently classified
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt
F-0802-11-05, 10/12/01,
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Engineering Technician
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
  • Position may not be functioning as it is currently classified
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt
F-0802-11-06, 04/19/06,
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Engineering Technician
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
  • Professional exemption
  • Willful violation
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; willful violation did not occur; overtime pay is due
F-0802-11-07, 04/19/06,
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Engineering Technician
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
  • Professional exemption
  • Willful violation
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; willful violation did not occur; overtime pay is due
F-0802-11-08, 04/30/08,
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Engineering Technician
  • Exemption status
  • Designation of representative
  • Preserving a claim
  • Willful violation
Agency changed status from exempt to nonexempt; failure to designate representative in writing; failure to file a claim in writing, willful violation did not occur; additional overtime pay is due
F-0808-11-01, 02/05/01,
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  • Professional exemption
Changed: Was nonexempt, now exempt
F-0809-03-01, 11/30/09,
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Construction Control Technician
  • Tasker ("contract") should control exemption status
  • Temporary duties
Work performed controls exemption status; Federal employees are appointed to their positions and are not under employment contracts; temporary duties were nonexempt Additional overtime pay is due
F-0809-11-01, 01/31/06,
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Construction Control Technician
  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
  • Professional exemption
  • Travel time
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; additional overtime pay is due
F-0809-11-02, 05/09/06,
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Construction Control Technician
  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
  • Professional exemption
  • Willful violation
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; additional overtime pay is due; willful violation did not occur
F-0809-11-03, 07/20/06,
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Construction Control Technician
  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
  • Professional exemption
  • Willful violation
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; additional overtime pay is due ; willful violation did not occur
F-0809-11-04, 08/01/07,
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Construction Control Technician
  • Overtime pay for travel time
  • Willful violation
Travel time within duty station without performing substantial work is not compensable as hours of work; willful violation did not occur
F-0809-12-01, 06/30/10,
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Construction Control Technician
  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
  • Willful violation
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; additional overtime pay is due; willful violation did not occur
F-0809-12-02, 06/30/10,
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Construction Control Technician
  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
  • Willful violation
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; additional overtime pay is due; willful violation did not occur
F-0809-12-03, 06/30/10,
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Construction Control Technician
  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
  • Willful violation
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; additional overtime pay is due; willful violation did not occur
F-0809-12-04, 06/30/10,
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Construction Control Technician
  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
  • Willful violation
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; additional overtime pay is due; willful violation did not occur
F-0809-12-05, 06/30/10,
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Construction Control Technician
  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
  • Willful violation
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; additional overtime pay is due; willful violation did not occur
F-0809-12-06, 06/30/10,
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Construction Control Technician
  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
  • Willful violation
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; additional overtime pay is due; willful violation did not occur
F-0809-12-07, 06/30/10,
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Construction Control Technician
  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
  • Willful violation
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; additional overtime pay is due; willful violation did not occur
F-0809-12-08, 06/30/10,
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Construction Control Technician
  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
  • Willful violation
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; additional overtime pay is due; willful violation did not occur
F-0809-12-09, 06/30/10,
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Construction Control Technician
  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
  • Willful violation
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; additional overtime pay is due; willful violation did not occur
F-0809-12-10, 06/30/10,
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Construction Control Technician
  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
  • Willful violation
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; additional overtime pay is due; willful violation did not occur
F-0810-12-01, 02/04/98,
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Civil Engineering
  • Emergency work
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Work performed covered by administrative exemption
F-0810-12-02, 06/16/99,
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Civil Engineering
  • Administrative exemption
  • Emergency work
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
  • Nonmanual work
  • Standard position descriptions
Changed: Became nonexempt during emergency work
F-0810-13-01, 02/25/00,
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Civil Engineering
  • Emergency work
Changed from exempt to nonexempt for a period of performing temporary work during an emergency
F-0819-12-01, 01/28/99,
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Environmental Engineering
  • Emergency work
Changed from exempt to nonexempt for a period of performing temporary work during an emergency
F-0850-12-01, 06/16/99,
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Electrical Engineering
  • Administrative exemption
  • Emergency duties
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
  • Nonmanual work
  • Standard position descriptions
Changed: Became nonexempt during emergency work
F-0855-12-01, 08/06/98,
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Electronics Engineering
  • Administrative exemption
  • Emergency work
Changed: Became nonexempt during emergency work
Overtime pay is due
F-0855-12-02, 09/02/99,
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Electronics Engineering
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
No change: Remains exempt
F-0855-12-03, 04/15/02,
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Electronics Engineering
  • Travel outside scheduled work hours
  • Travel in connection with training
  • Travel outside duty station
Overtime pay is due
F-0856-11-01, 10/17/00,
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Electronics Technician
  • Denial of overtime work
  • Interest on backpay
  • Liquidated damages
  • Presumption of exemption
  • Sending employees home to avoid overtime
  • Willful violation
No change: Remains exempt
No additional money due
F-0856-11-02, 11/09/00,
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Electronics Technician
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
  • Professional exemption
  • Travel on workdays and nonworkdays
Changed: Was nonexempt, now exempt.
This decision was reopened, reconsidered, and sustained by OPM decision number F-0856-11-04, dated 10/5/01.
F-0856-11-03, 03/30/01,
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Electronics Technician
  • Professional exemption
No change: Remains exempt
F-0856-11-04, 10/05/01,
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Electronics Technician
  • Duties actually performed
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt
This decision reopened, reconsidered, and sustained
OPM decision number F-0856-11-02, dated 11/9/00.
F-0856-11-06, 06/17/09,
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Electronics Technician
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Professional exemption
  • Willful violation
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; additional overtime pay is due; willful violation did not occur
F-0856-12-01, 11/08/99,
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Electronics Technician
  • Administrative exemption
  • Executive exemption
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
  • Professional exemption
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt
F-0856-12-02, 10/26/09,
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Electronics Technician
  • Rate of pay for accumulated compensatory time
Agency erred in applying 5 CFR 550.113(b) to nonexempt employee; nonexempt employee compensatory time must be computed in conformance with 5 CFR 551.512 and liquidated in conformance with 5 CFR 551.531(f) and (g)
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Aerospace Engineering
  • Exemption status
  • Overtime pay
  • Title 5 overtime premium pay
  • Termination and reinstatement
Exempt under the professional exemption; claim should be filed under the provisions of Part 178 of 5 CFR; request for reversal of termination and reinstatement not covered by the FLSA claims process

General Schedule--0900 Legal and Kindred Group

Case Issues Outcome
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Legal Assistance
  • Back pay for overtime for claimant and similarly situated employees
  • Whistleblower Protection
  • Punishment of management for violation of the FLSA
Bargaining unit position, OPM lacks claims jurisdiction; lack of standing to represent other employees; lack of subject-matter jurisdiction over Whistleblower complaints; discipline of employees vested in employing agency management

General Schedule--1100 Business and Industry Group

Case Issues Outcome
F-1101-03-01, 06/01/00,
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General Business and Industry
  • Duties performed in the absence of another employee
  • Executive exemption
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
  • Nonappropriated fund employee
  • Short-term, nonrecurring duties
No change: Remains exempt
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  • Overtime pay
  • Compensatory time
Exempt employee; claim barred by res judicata
F-1102-09-01, 07/21/99,
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  • Travel on workdays and nonworkdays
  • Preserving the claim period
  • Statute of limitations
  • Willful violation
Overtime pay is due

General Schedule--1600 Equipment, Facilities, and Services Group

Case Issues Outcome
F-1670-02-01, 01/11/10,
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Equipment Services
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Executive exemption
  • Primary duty test
No change: Remains exempt
F-1670-11-01, 11/12/97,
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Equipment Specialist
  • Administrative exemption
  • Exempt but believe should be nonexempt
  • Settlement agreement
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt
Overtime pay is due

General Schedule--1800 Investigation Group

Case Issues Outcome
F-1801-09-01, 02/20/97,
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General Inspection, Investigation, and Compliance
  • Administrative exemption
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt
F-1801-09-02, 02/20/97,
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General Inspection, Investigation, and Compliance
  • Administrative exemption
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt
F-1801-09-03, 02/20/97,
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General Inspection, Investigation, and Compliance
  • Administrative exemption
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt
F-1801-11-01, 02/20/97,
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General Inspection, Investigation, and Compliance
  • Administrative exemption
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt
F-1801-11-02, 02/20/97,
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General Inspection, Investigation, and Compliance
  • Administrative exemption
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
No change: Remains exempt
F-1801-13-01, 01/02/97,
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General Inspection, Investigation, and Compliance
  • Administrative exemption
  • Exempt but believe should be nonexempt
No change: Remains exempt
F-1801-13-02, 01/02/97,
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General Inspection, Investigation, and Compliance
  • Administrative exemption
  • Exempt but believe should be nonexempt
No change: Remains exempt
F-1802-07-01, 10/29/98,
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Compliance Inspection and Support
  • Anonymity
  • Confidentiality
  • Overtime hours not recorded
  • Suffer or permit
  • Third party claim
Overtime pay is due
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Compliance Inspection and Support
  • Exemption status
  • Overtime pay
  • Settlement agreement
  • Preserving the claim period
Claimant failed to preserve claim timely, claim time barred; not part to and, thus, not covered by settlement agreement
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Compliance Inspection and Support
  • Willful violation
Willful violation did not occur
F-1802-10-01, 07/15/08,
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Compliance Inspection and Support
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Reliance on court decision
  • Willful violation
  • Liquidated damages
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; claimant is not covered by a court decision on a case to which he was not a party; willful violation did not occur; liquidated damages is not applicable to administrative claim decisions issued pursuant to subpart G of part 551 of 5 CFR.; additional overtime pay is due
F-1802-11-01, 12/19/07,
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Compliance Inspection and Support
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Reliance on court decision
  • Willful violation
  • Liquidated damages
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; claimant is not covered by a court decision on a case to which he was not a part; willful violation did not occur; liquidated damages is not applicable to administrative claim decisions issued pursuant to subpart G of part 551 of 5 CFR; additional overtime pay is due
F-1810-12-01, 06/26/01,
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General Investigating
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
Rescinded and replaced by F-1810-12-02
F-1810-12-02, 10/16/06,
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General Investigating
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
  • Willful violation
  • Back Pay Act
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; willful violation did not occur; no authority to waive the retroactive effect of the Back Pay Act; overturns rationale in F-1810-12-01, 06/26/01; additional overtime pay is due
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General Investigations
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Preserving the claim period
  • Willful violation
Claimant failed to preserve claim timely, claim time barred; willful violation did not occur
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Criminal Investigating
  • Overtime for a scheduled sixth day of training under the FSLA
  • Law Enforcement Availability Pay (LEAP)
Criminal investigator receiving LEAP is exempt from the overtime pay provisions of the FLSA; claimant received proper pay under 5 CFR 550.185(b)
F-1811-13-01, 02/24/07,
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Criminal Investigating
  • Administrative uncontrollable overtime (AUO)
  • AUO
  • Commuting
  • Premium pay
  • Statute of limitations
Rescinded and replaced by F-1811-13-08, 05/17/10
F-1811-13-02, 02/24/97,
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Criminal Investigating
  • Administrative uncontrollable overtime (AUO)
  • AUO
  • Commuting
  • Premium pay
  • Statute of limitations
No overtime pay is due
F-1811-13-03, 04/10/98,
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Criminal Investigating
  • Administrative uncontrollable overtime (AUO)
  • AUO
  • Statute of limitations
  • Stephen Adams v. United States
No overtime pay is due
F-1811-13-04, 04/10/98,
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Criminal Investigating
  • Administrative uncontrollable overtime (AUO)
  • AUO
  • Statute of limitations
  • Stephen Adams v. United States
No overtime pay is due
F-1811-13-05, 05/17/10,
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Criminal Investigating
  • Preserving the claim period
  • Statute of limitations
  • Erroneous advice
Claimant failed to preserve claim timely, claim time barred; erroneous advice or information provided by a Government employee cannot bar the Government from denying benefits which are not otherwise permitted by law
F-1811-13-06, 05/17/10,
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Criminal Investigating
  • Preserving the claim period
  • Statute of limitations
  • Erroneous advice
Claimant failed to preserve claim timely, claim time barred; erroneous advice or information provided by a Government employee cannot bar the Government from denying benefits which are not otherwise permitted by law
F-1811-13-07, 05/17/10,
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Criminal Investigating
  • Preserving the claim period
  • Statute of limitations
  • Erroneous advice
Claimant failed to preserve claim timely, claim time barred; erroneous advice or information provided by a Government employee cannot bar the Government from denying benefits which are not otherwise permitted by law
F-1811-13-08, 05/17/10,
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Criminal Investigating
  • Preserving the claim period
  • Statute of limitations
  • Erroneous advice
Claimant failed to preserve claim timely, claim time barred; erroneous advice or information provided by a Government employee cannot bar the Government from denying benefits which are not otherwise permitted by law; reconsiders and replaces F-1811-13-01
F-1811-13-09, 05/17/10,
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Criminal Investigating
  • Preserving the claim period
  • Statute of limitations
  • Erroneous advice
Claimant failed to preserve claim timely, claim time barred; erroneous advice or information provided by a Government employee cannot bar the Government from denying benefits which are not otherwise permitted by law
F-1811-13-10, 05/17/10,
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Criminal Investigating
  • Preserving the claim period
  • Statute of limitations
  • Erroneous advice
Part of claim time barred; entire period of claim not time barred is covered by claimant's settlement agreement with the agency
F-1811-14-01, 04/10/98,
PDF Format WordPerfect 5.1 version
Criminal Investigating
  • Administrative uncontrollable overtime (AUO)
  • AUO
  • Statute of limitations
  • Stephen Adams v. United States
No overtime pay is due
F-1815-13-01, 01/02/01,
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Air Safety Investigating
  • Administrative exemption
  • Exempt but believe should be nonexempt
No change: Remains exempt
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Aviation Safety
  • Travel time on a holiday and non-workday
Compensable travel time properly paid by agency; no additional overtime pay is due
F-1896-12-01, 06/24/09,
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Border Patrol Enforcement
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; additional overtime pay is due
F-1896-12-02, 06/24/09,
PDF Format Text version
Border Patrol Enforcement
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; additional overtime pay is due
F-1896-12-03, 06/24/09,
PDF Format Text version
Border Patrol Enforcement
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; additional overtime pay is due

General Schedule - 1900 Quality Assurance, Inspection, and Grading Group

Case Issues Outcome
F-1910-11-01, 04/15/02,
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Quality Assurance Specialist
  • Travel outside scheduled work hours
  • Travel in connection with training
  • Travel outside duty station
Overtime pay is due
F-1910-11-02, 04/15/02,
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Quality Assurance Specialist
  • Travel outside scheduled work hours
  • Travel in connection with training
  • Travel outside duty station
Overtime pay is due
F-1910-11-03, 04/15/02,
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Quality Assurance Specialist
  • Travel outside scheduled work hours
  • Travel in connection with training
  • Travel outside duty station
Overtime pay is due
F-1910-11-04, 04/15/02,
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Quality Assurance Specialist
  • Travel outside scheduled work hours
  • Travel in connection with training
  • Travel outside duty station
Overtime pay is due

General Schedule--2100 Transportation Group

Case Issues Outcome
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Transportation Specialist
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt
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Transportation Specialist
  • Overtime for time spent traveling
Denied; hours claimed are not compensable as hours of work
F-2101-I-01, 05/27/09,
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Transportation Specialist
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
  • Professional exemption
  • Back Pay Act
  • Jurisdiction
Changed: Was exempt, now nonexempt; overtime pay is due; Back Pay Act not available as a remedy; OPM interprets a collective bargaining agreement for purposes of determining FLSA claims jurisdiction
F-2101-13-01, 07/30/02,
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Airway Transportation Systems Specialist
  • Exempt but believes should be nonexempt
  • Jurisdiction
Rationale to deny based on OPM's lack of claims jurisdiction rescinded by F-2101-I-01, 05/27/09
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Transportation Specialist
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Remains exempt
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Transportation Specialist
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Remains exempt
PDF Format Text version
Transportation Specialist
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Remains exempt
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Transportation Specialist
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Remains exempt
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Transportation Specialist
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Remains exempt
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Transportation Specialist
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Remains exempt
PDF Format Text version
Transportation Specialist
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Remains exempt
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Transportation Specialist
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Remains exempt
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Transportation Specialist
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Remains exempt
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Transportation Specialist
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Remains exempt
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Transportation Specialist
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Remains exempt
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Transportation Specialist
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Remains exempt
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Transportation Specialist
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Remains exempt
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Transportation Specialist
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Remains exempt
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Transportation Specialist
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Remains exempt
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Transportation Specialist
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Remains exempt
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Transportation Specialist
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Administrative exemption
No change: Remains exempt

Federal Wage System--2200 Information Technology Group

Case Issues Outcome
PDF Format Text version
Information Technology Management
  • Exempt but believes work should be nonexempt
  • Remuneration for unpaid overtime at the rate of time-and-one-half
Bargaining unit position; OPM lacks claims jurisdiction


Federal Wage System--2600 Electronic Equipment Installation and Maintenance Family

Case Issues Outcome
F-2604-11-04, 08/21/00,
PDF Format Text version
Electronics Mechanic
  • Travel on workdays and nonworkdays
Overtime pay due

Federal Wage System--3500 General Services and Support Work Family

Case Issues Outcome
F-3502-02-01, 03/10/97,
PDF Format WordPerfect 5.1 version
  • Back pay
No back pay is due

Federal Wage System--5300 Industrial Equipment Maintenance Family

Case Issues Outcome
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Air conditioning Equipment Mechanic
  • Back pay, penalty, and interest
Bargaining unit position; OPM lacks claims jurisdiction
F-5334-08-01, 11/03/99,
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Marine Machinery Mechanic
  • Travel on workdays and nonworkdays
No overtime pay is due

Federal Wage System--5400 Industrial Equipment Operation Family

Case Issues Outcome
F-5408-09-01, 10/13/98,
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Wastewater Treatment Plant Operating
  • Exclusion of FLSA matters from negotiated grievance procedure
  • On-call duty
  • Supporting or refuting a claim
  • Standby duty
Overtime pay is due

Federal Wage System--5700 Transportation/Mobile Equipment Operation Family

Case Issues Outcome
F-5729-05-01, 01/31/02,
PDF Format Text version
Drill Rig Operating
  • "First 80"
  • Maxiflex schedule
No change: Remains nonexempt
Overtime pay due

Federal Wage System--5800 Transportation/Mobile Equipment Maintenance Family

Case Issues Outcome
PDF Format Text version
Automotive Mechanic
  • West Virginia/Federal rate of pay for work while incarcerated
Claimant lacks standing; OPM lacks claims jurisdiction

Federal Wage System--6900 Warehousing and Stock Handling Family

Case Issues Outcome
F-6904-06-01, 05/17/06,
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Tool and Parts Attending
  • Suffer or permit
Due overtime and interest for uncompensated overtime work
F-6907-05-01, 08/06/98,
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Material Handler
  • Exempt but believe should be nonexempt
  • One position with periods of being exempt and periods of being nonexempt
  • Suffer or permit
  • Supporting or refuting a claim
No overtime pay is due

Federal Wage System--7400 Food Preparation and Serving Family

Case Issues Outcome
F-7404-05-01, 08/06/98,
PDF Format WordPerfect 5.1 version
  • Falsification of time sheets
  • Intimidation
  • Nonappropriated fund (NAF) employee
  • Overtime hours not recorded
  • Statute of limitations
  • Suffer or permit
  • Supporting or refuting a claim
  • Willful violation
Overtime pay is due
F-7404-08-01, 08/22/96,
PDF Format WordPerfect 5.1 version
  • Compensatory time off (CTO)
  • CTO
  • Nonappropriated fund (NAF) employee
  • Overtime hours not recorded
  • Shifting burden of proof
  • Supporting or refuting a claim
Overtime pay is due

You may not submit an FLSA claim electronically


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OPM decision numbers. An OPM decision number identifies decisions. The 12-character decision number is made up of F (for FLSA claim), 4 digits for the occupational series of the position, 2 digits for the grade of the position, and 2 digits for the number of the decision for that particular series and grade.

For example, the decision number F-0802-11-02 indicates that it is an FLSA claim decision for a position in the 0802 Engineering Technician occupational series at the grade 11 level and is the second decision for a claimant who was a GS-802-11 Engineering Technician.

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