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Tax Professionals e-file Market Research Data

Provided below are results from e-file demographic data, filing attibute reports, e-file related research and surveys.  We are sharing with you, our Tax Professionals, the market research that guides our actions and intents as we develop e-file related products, services and advertisements.  Feel free to use this information for your own marketing efforts.

e-file Demographic Data

This data, published annually, shows filing information for Electronic Return Originators (ERO).  The data enables you to drill down to state, county, town and ZIP code level demographics. 

Demographic Analysis

These publications provide demographic results of information obtained from taxpayer returns. 

Taxpayer Filing Attribute Reports

These reports provide a 3-year comparison of return attributes by filing method and preparation method (paid and self-prepared).  Counts and percentages are provided.

Attitudinal and Awareness Research

This research is obtained from information gathered from telephonic interviews with taxpayers as well as Electronic Return Originators (EROs). The results assist IRS in determining where to place paid advertising and public service announcements related to IRS e-file.

Satisfaction Surveys

Satisfaction survey results are obtained from surveys mailed directly from IRS or by telephone interviews. Survey results assist in the development and improvement of our IRS e-file products and services. 

Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 2012-08-02