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Outreach Corner

Find it easy to spread the word about key income tax topics!

This page offers you electronic communication materials to use in reaching out to the people you serve. Get free news you can use each month, targeted by time of year to coincide with what your customers, employees, volunteers, etc. need to know about new tax law legislation, IRS events and other activities that affect them.

Please feel free to use these items for your websites, in electronic products, publications, etc. as needed. More items will be added each month. Submit your suggestions for topics you would like to see. Please send any feedback to us at this email address.
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October 2012

Drop-in Articles - Perfect for partner publications that reach taxpayers


Help in Growing Finances

Help for students

Tax credits

Health Care Information

Employee and Retirement Plans

Flyers/Brochures – Perfect for handouts, mailings and postings on boards or walls

Other Resources – Other links you may like

Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 2012-10-02