
Schoolgirls walk through the grounds of a flooded school in Cambodia.
Schoolgirls walk through the grounds of a flooded school in Cambodia.
Brian Heidel/USAID

From August to October 2011, heavy rains resulted in flooding in 18 of Cambodia’s 24 provinces, particularly Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom, Kandal, Kratié, and Prey Veng. As of October 28, flooding had resulted in nearly 247 deaths, prompted the temporary evacuation of more than 46,300 families, and affected approximately 1.6 million people, according to the Royal Government of Cambodia National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM). The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization estimated that floods destroyed more than 716,000 acres of rice paddy, representing approximately 28 percent of rice planted at the time and impacting livelihoods and food security of vulnerable households. NCDM and relief agency assessments found that flood-affected individuals had limited access to shelter, medical care, and adequate water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facilities.



USAID/OFDA Assistance to Cambodia


Total USAID and State Assistance to Cambodia


*This figure includes funding for both disaster response and disaster risk reduction activities. (As of August 13, 2012)


Latest Cambodia Fact Sheet

Southeast Asia Floods Fact Sheet #3 (162kb PDF) and map (2.14mb PDF)

Key Developments

In response to an October 7, 2011, disaster declaration for floods, USAID/OFDA provided more than $1.5 million in agriculture, economic recovery, and WASH assistance for flood-affected populations in Cambodia. Up to 19,500 flood-affected individuals in Kampong Thom, Kandal, and Kampong Cham provinces received WASH commodities, while economic recovery activities, including cash-for-work and infrastructure rehabilitation, targeted nearly 30,000 flood-affected individuals in Kampong Cham. In addition, USAID/OFDA-funded agriculture and food security activities in Kampong Thom and Kandal provinces aimed to reach approximately 27,000 flood-affected individuals.  

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Last updated: September 14, 2012


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