Interagency Committee on Standards Policy (ICSP)

Welcome to the Interagency Committee on Standards Policy (ICSP) Web Site. The Interagency Committee on Standards Policy also known as the ICSP provides advice and recommendations to the Secretary of Commerce and other Executive Branch agencies on matters related to standards policy. The ICSP seeks to promote effective and consistent standards policies plus foster cooperation between government, industry, and other private organizations involved in standards activities. The Committee reports to the Secretary of the Department of Commerce (DOC) through the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

This web site includes a number of links and tabs that provide data on ICSP Members, activities, policy decisions, and news. In addition, the ICSP includes a Committee Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretariat that coordinate and manage the activities of the ICSP. Finally, from time to time the ICSP may authorize the creation of Working Groups to investigate and recommend policy decisions or actions that support ICSP activities. Please stop back periodically as the web site is constantly updated with new materials.


The Committee's authority is set out in Section 13 b of OMB Circular No. A 119 Federal Participation in the Development and Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards and in Conformity Assessment Activities of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The Circular establishes policy to be followed by executive agencies in participating in activities of voluntary standards organizations and in adopting and using voluntary standards. The Circular was last revised on February 10, 1998 and was published in the Federal Register (63 FR 8545) on February 19, 1998.


The ICSP seeks to promote effective and consistent standards policies in furtherance of U.S. domestic and foreign goals and, to this end, to foster cooperative participation by the Federal government and U.S. industry and other private organizations in standards activities, including the related activities of product testing, quality system registration, certification, and accreditation. To view the Interagecy Committee on Standards Policy Charter, use this ICSP Charter link.

Implementation of OMB Circular A-119

To view all current and previous National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA) reports that detail the use of voluntary consensus standards by the Federal government, use this NTTAA Annual Reports link.


The ICSP Membership consists of one principal representative from each Federal Executive Agency. This representative is an official (at the Senior Executive Service or higher level) who is appointed to serve as the Agency's Standards Executive with responsibilities as defined in Section 15 of the Circular. To view a list of the current ICSP Agency Standards Executives, use this ICSP Members link.

New Members

New ICSP Standards Executives can get a general idea on how to organizate a Standards Executives function by viewing a presentation put together by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). To view this presentation, use this Functions of the Standards Executive link.

Working Groups

The ICSP may authorize the creation of Working Groups to investigate and recommend policy decisions or actions that support ICSP activities. To view a list of the current active Working Groups, use this Working Groups link.


The ICSP Committee holds four meetings a year to discuss and make recommendations on matters related to standards policy. To view a list of the minutes for these meetings, use this Meeting Minutes link.


To view the primary contact point for the ICSP use this Primary Contact link.

The Main link will always return you to this page.

The Interagency Committee on Standards Policy (ICSP) Web Site is a Department of Commerce (DOC) web site managed and operated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for the purpose of providing data related to ICSP activities. Any unauthorzed use of the web site is prohibited.