Mobile Tools

Tools Available

Many authoring tools can deliver content to mobile devices. The tools provide this capability by using a mobile device screen template and output files that work with the mobile device operating system. 

However, tools are emerging that are specifically designed for mobile learning; for instance, providing authoring capability for audio learning content (e.g., spoken word, podcasts) along with associated interactive assessments and surveys. Other tools are optimized to provide e-learning content through the phone's web browsing capability.

There are several e-learning content authoring tools on the market that offer a mobile-friendly output version of your content. However, some of them are designed to run within their own platform and stand-alone portability isn't always possible. Some of these support SCORM output. Some of the tools that we've seen only target one screen size. This is not a definitive list of all types of mobile tools, but serves to provide a starting point for investigating tools that support learning delivery.

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Toolkits

DIY Toolkits provide a convenient way to create native apps without having to use an SDK or have a strong technical background. Some key points to remember about DIY Toolkits:
  • Allow you to easily create content on-the-fly from RSS feeds or other data sources
  • Require no programming or design experience (usually template-driven)
  • Have drag & drop, browser-based interface
  • Reduce time to market / publish (typically days instead of months)
  • Most are offered as a service / cloud-based (SaaS)
  • May include distribution to market or App store
  • Usually require a startup cost or other recurring fee
  • May only support one or more platforms
Examples of current DIY Toolkits (in alphabetical order):

Learning Content Authoring Tools

Mobile Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Learning Content Delivery Solutions

The ADL Mobile Learning Team is currently collecting information on available tools from vendors. Responses to date (27 July 2011) include 36 vendors in the spreadsheet and PDF files below.
Judy Brown,
Jul 27, 2011 8:00 PM
Judy Brown,
Jul 27, 2011 8:01 PM