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University of Wyoming
Sunset on the Missouri River

Student Exploration

University of Wyoming senior Joe Riis recently kayaked portions of the Missouri River to document its landscape, environmental impacts, and wildlife in photographs. Riis' conservation exploration is detailed in UWYO magazine. View a slideshow narrated by Riis. Read more. (Joe Riis Photo)

UW is a national research university, which means that even undergraduates can have hands-on experience in cutting-edge research and scholarship.

UW is a leader in the fields of environment and natural resource research, specializing in energy, agriculture, and water-related fields. During its 2006 session, the Wyoming State Legislature established a University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources and appropriated $12.1 million to fund the first two years of a three-year "ramp-up" to full implementation.

Students and faculty have at their disposal an impressive array of research resources on campus, including the Wyoming Natural Diversity Database, which in fall 2004 received an international NatureServe Technological Innovation Award. Check out the full array of research resources here.

UW more than $72 million in external contracts and grants in fiscal year 2007, breaking its own record for the 22nd consecutive year.