Frequently Asked Questions

How many alternative fuel and hybrid vehicles are there in the U.S.?

EIA estimates that in 2010 there were about 9 million alternative fuel vehicles in the U.S. This included about 0.93 million in use by private and government vehicle fleets and an additional 8.06 million ethanol flex fuel vehicles owned by private individuals.  EIA estimates that there are about 1.91 million hybrid gas or diesel electric vehicles owned by fleet operators and private individuals.

Alternative Fuel Vehicles in Use by Fleet Operators, 2010

  Light Duty Medium Duty Heavy Duty Total
Ethanol — Flex Fuel 592,231 26,255 18 618,504
Natural Gas — Total 67,296 22,575 28,976 118,847
  Compressed Natural Gas 67,296 22,521 26,000 115,817
  Liquefied Natural Gas 0 54 2,976 3,030
LPG — Propane 76,694 27,771 36,057 140,522
Electric — Battery 56,566 86 779 57,451
    Total 792,787 76,687 65,850 935,324

Source: Alternatives to Traditional Transportation Fuels 2010 report

Estimates of Total, Light Duty Private and Fleet Vehicle Stocks for:

Ethanol — Flex Fuel 8,673,724
Hybrid Gas/Diesel-Electric 1,913,053

Source: Annual Energy Outlook 2012, Table 58, Light-Duty Vehicle Stock by Technology Type.

Last updated: May 9, 2012

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