Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 per insured bank

Bank Data Guide

The Bank Data Guide is a summary of various financial and analytical tools that are available on the FDIC’s web site.
For a complete list of our products on-line, go to the FDIC Home Page and select the Industry Analysis tab.

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Activity source: FDIC
Locate an FDIC-Insured Institution
  • Find out if your bank is FDIC-insured
  • Find the locations of your bank's branches
  • Find out if your bank has merged or been acquired
  • Review your bank's history

Home > Industry Analysis > Bank Data & Statistics

Bank Find

Analyze individual institutions and create custom reports
  • The latest comprehensive financial and demographic data for every FDIC-insured institution
  • Create reports and downloads to analyze prospective mergers and classes of competitors
  • Compare performance and condition data between individual institutions, peer groups, and time periods

Home > Industry Analysis > Bank Data & Statistics

Institution Directory

Examine your bank’s financial data
  • Repository of the Report of Condition (call report) and Thrift Financial Report (TFR) filed since 1998 through FFIEC's Central Data Repository (CDR)
  • Bulk data downloads
  • Uniform Bank Performance Reports (UBPR) and others

FFIEC Central Data Repository

Study branching and deposit market share
  • Annual survey of branch office deposits as of June 30
  • Find a list of your institution's offices in Summary of Deposits (SOD)
  • Create a Deposit Market Share Report that presents aggregates of each institution's deposits in any combined choice of states, metro areas, cities, counties, or zip codes

Home > Industry Analysis > Bank Data & Statistics

Summary of Deposits

Analyze institutions and peer groups
  • Find individual and aggregate demographic and financial information (750+ items including balance sheets, income statements, performance ratios, etc.) about banks and thrifts dated back to 1992
  • Compare financial information between institutions based on common characteristics including size, financial performance, location, established date, status (open vs. inactive), charter type (state vs. national), business specialty, etc.
  • Create custom peer groups, reports, and downloads
  • SDI Tutorial

Home > Industry Analysis > Bank Data & Statistics

Statistics on Depository Institutions

View the industry’s overall picture
  • The latest quarterly statistics that define the banking industry and the most recent industry trends

Home > Industry Analysis > Bank Data & Statistics

Statistics at a Glance

Examine economic conditions geographically
  • Standard graphs, tables, and maps depicting economic conditions and how they change over time for any state, MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area), or county

Home > Industry Analysis > Bank Data & Statistics

Regional Economic Conditions

Annual summary of financial and structural data back to 1934 for all FDIC-insured institutions
  • Commercial bank data back to 1934
  • Savings institution data back to 1984
  • Bank failures and assistance transactions back to 1934

Home > Industry Analysis > Bank Data & Statistics

Historical Statistics on Banking

View feature articles and financial results for the banking industry
  • Timely analysis of economic and banking trends at the national and regional level
  • Combines data from two retired publications - the FDIC Outlook and the FDIC Banking Review

Home > Industry Analysis > Research & Analysis

FDIC Quarterly

Review a summary of financial results for all FDIC-insured institutions
  • Quarterly report card for the banking industry
  • Summarized financial results in the form of analysis, graphs, and statistical tables for all FDIC-insured institutions
  • Results are published approximately 55 days after the end of each quarter beginning with December 31, 1994

Home > Industry Analysis > Research & Analysis

Quarterly Banking Profile

Identify the latest performance trends in your state
  • Quarterly data sheets of banking and economic conditions in each state

Home > Industry Analysis > Research & Analysis

FDIC State Profiles

Explore developments affecting the banking industry, risk measurement and management methods, regulatory policy, and related topics
  • Innovative research on topics that are important to the FDIC's role as a deposit insurer and bank supervisor
  • CFR programs explore developments affecting the banking industry, risk measurement and management methods, regulatory policy, and related topics of interest to the FDIC

Home > Industry Analysis > Research & Analysis

Center for Financial Research

Examine non-financial structure changes for banks and branches
  • Structure changes of bank and branches
  • New institutions, relocations, mergers, closings, etc.

Home > Industry Analysis > Bank Data & Statistics

Reports of Changes

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Bank Data Guide Reference Chart

Web Products Target Audience Frequency of Updates Type of Data Data
Type of Analysis Bank List Downloads Reports Peer Groups
Depositors Analysts Bankers Regulators Weekly Quarterly Annually BHC(3) Institutions Branches Financial Economic Standard Custom Standard Custom
Individual Banks/Offices
Bank Find X       X       X X 1934(4)     X          
Reports of Changes X X X X X(5)       x   1999     X X X      
Individual and Aggregate Data
Institution Directory (ID) X X X X X(1) X   X X X 1992 X   X X X   X  
Call and Thrift Financial Reports (CDR)   X X X   X     X   2001 X     X X      
Summary of Deposits (SOD) X X X X     X X X X 1994 X   X X X X    
Deposit Market Share Report   X X X     X X X X 1994 X   X   X X    
Statistics on Depository Institutions (SDI)   X X X   X   X X   1992 X   X X X X X X
Aggregate Data
Statistics at a Glance   X X X   X     X   2001 X       X      
Historical Statistics on Banking (HSOB)   X X X     X   X   1934 X       X      
Industry and Economic Analyses
Regional Economic Conditions (RECON)   X X X   X             X            
FDIC Quarterly   X X X   X     X   1995 X X     X      
FDIC Quarterly Banking Profile (QBP)   X X X   X     X   1994 X       X      
FDIC State Profiles   X X X   X     X   2007 X X     X      
Center for Financial Research (CFR)   X X X X(2) X(2) X(2)   X       X            

(1) Structure updates - updates to demographic information
(2) Varies
(3) Top Regulatory Bank Holding Company - for more information see the National Information Center
(4) History back to 1934, bank structure changes back to 1970. (Source: FDIC Structure Information Management System (SIMS))
(5) ROC updated bi-monthly

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Last Updated 08/18/2011 Questions, Suggestions & Requests