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List of Tables

List of tables by chapter, with source data available for download.

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1. Elementary and Secondary Mathematics and Science Education

Table Title HTML Data
1-1 Indicators of elementary and secondary school mathematics and science education View HTML Table Download Excel file
1-2 Changes in NAEP mathematics scores of students in grades 4, 8, and 12, by student and school characteristics: Selected years, 1990–2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
1-3 Distribution of all students in grades 4 and 8 and students in the top 1% taking the NAEP mathematics assessments, by student characteristic: 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
1-4 Average NAEP mathematics scores of all students in grades 4 and 8 and students in the top 1%: Selected years, 2000–09 View HTML Table Download Excel file
1-5 Changes in NAEP mathematics score gaps between selected groups of students, by grade level: Selected years, 1990–2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
1-6 State graduation requirements for mathematics and science, by number of years required: Selected years, 1987–2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
1-7 Public middle and high school teachers with regular or advanced certification, by teaching field: Academic years 2003–04 and 2007–08 View HTML Table Download Excel file
1-8 Preparation of public school mathematics and science teachers for teaching in their field, by school level and teaching field: Academic years 2003–04 and 2007–08 View HTML Table Download Excel file
1-9 On-time graduation rates of U.S. public high school students, by race/ethnicity: 2006 and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
1-A High school graduates completing first-year algebra before high school, by student characteristic: 2005 and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file

2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering

Table Title HTML Data
2-1 U.S. citizen/permanent resident S&E doctorate recipients who reported earning college credit from a community or 2-year college, by race/ethnicity: 2005–09 View HTML Table Download Excel file
2-2 Community college attendance among recent recipients of S&E bachelor's and master's degrees, by degree level and degree year: 1999–2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
2-3 Community college attendance among recent recipients of S&E degrees, by sex, race/ethnicity, and citizenship status: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
2-4 Full-time S&E graduate students, by source and mechanism of primary support: 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
2-5 Primary support mechanisms for S&E doctorate recipients, by 2010 Carnegie classification of doctorate-granting institution: 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
2-6 Master's degree recipients with debt from graduate student loans upon graduation and average amount owed, by broad field: 1999–2000 and 2007–08 View HTML Table Download Excel file
2-7 Foreign students enrolled in U.S. higher education institutions, by broad field and academic level: 2006–10 View HTML Table Download Excel file
2-8 Persistence and outcome of postsecondary students beginning 4-year colleges or universities in 2004: 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
2-9 Field switching among postsecondary students beginning 4-year colleges and universities in 2004: 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
2-10 Median number of years from entering graduate school to receipt of S&E doctorate, by 2010 Carnegie classification of doctorate-granting institution: 1995–2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
2-11 Foreign recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates, by country/economy of origin: 1989–2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
2-12 Asian recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates, by field and country/economy of origin: 1989–2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
2-13 European and North American recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates, by field and region/country of origin: 1989–2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file

3. Science and Engineering Labor Force

Table Title HTML Data
3-1 Major sources of data on the U.S. labor force View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-2 Classification of degree fields and occupations View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-3 Measures and size of employed S&E workforce: 2003, 2008, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-4 Educational background of workers in S&E occupations: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-5 Relationship of highest degree to job among S&E highest degree holders not in S&E occupations, by degree level: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-6 Employment sector of employed scientists and engineers, by broad occupation and degree field: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-7 Average annual salaries of workers, by industries' proportion of employment in S&E occupations: May 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-8 Workers in S&E and STEM occupations in largest metropolitan statistical areas: May 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-9 Metropolitan areas with largest proportion of workers in S&E occupations, by occupation category: May 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-10 Metropolitan areas with largest number of workers in S&E occupations, by occupation category: May 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-11 Self-employed scientists and engineers, by education, occupation, and type of business: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-12 Employed S&E degree holders with R&D work activities, by occupation: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-13 Domestic industrial and R&D employment, by company size: 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-14 Patenting indicators for employed U.S.-trained SEH doctorate holders, by field of doctorate: 2003–08 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-15 Scientists and engineers participating in work-related training, by employment status and occupation: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-16 Alternative measures of labor underutilization View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-17 Annual earnings and earnings growth in science and technology and related occupations: May 2007–May 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-18 Labor market indicators for recent S&E degree recipients up to 5 years after receiving degree, by field: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-19 Employment characteristics of recent SEH doctorate recipients up to 3 years after receiving doctorate, by field: 2001–08 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-20 Employed SEH doctorate recipients holding tenure and tenure-track appointments at academic institutions, by years since degree and field: 1993–2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-21 Salary of recent SEH doctorate recipients up to 5 years after receiving degree, by field and percentile: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-22 Median annual salary of recent SEH doctorate recipients up to 5 years after receiving degree, by field and employment sector: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-23 Median salary of U.S. SEH doctorate holders in postdoc positions: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-24 Age distribution of workers in S&E occupations, by sex and race/ethnicity: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-25 Racial/ethnic distribution of individuals in S&E occupations, S&E degree holders, college graduates, and U.S. residents: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-26 Distribution of workers in S&E occupations, by race/ethnicity and year: 1993–2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-27 Field of highest degree among workers with highest degree in S&E, by race/ethnicity: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-28 Foreign-born workers in S&E occupations, by education level: Selected years, 2000–09 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-29 Average annual salary of new H-1B visa recipients, by occupation and education level: FY 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-30 Temporary U.S. residents who received S&E doctorates in 2002, by program rating and year: 2003–07 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-31 Employed S&E doctorate holders who left full-time employment after April 2006, by employment sector and age: October 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-32 Domestic and foreign business-sector employment, by company characteristics: 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-33 Scientists and engineers reporting international engagement, by demographic characteristics, education, employment sector, occupation, and salary: 2006 View HTML Table Download Excel file
3-A Bureau of Labor Statistics projections of employment and job openings in S&E and other selected occupations: 2008–18 View HTML Table Download Excel file

4. R&D: National Trends and International Comparisons

Table Title HTML Data
4-1 U.S. R&D expenditures, by performing sector and source of funding: 2004–09 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-2 Annual rates of growth in U.S. R&D expenditures, total and by performing sectors: 1989–2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-3 U.S. R&D expenditures, by performing sector, source of funds, and character of work: 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-4 U.S. R&D expenditures, by character of work and performing sectors: 1979–2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-5 U.S. average annual real GDP growth rates, unadjusted and R&D adjusted: 1959–2007 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-6 Domestic R&D performed by the company, by industry and company size: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-7 Sources of funds for domestic R&D performed by the company, by selected industry and company size: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-8 Business R&D performed in the United States by the company, paid for by the company and by others, by industry group: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-9 Domestic R&D performance paid for by the company for top 10 business activities: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-10 Domestic R&D performance paid for by others for top 10 business activities: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-11 R&D performed abroad by U.S.-owned companies: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-12 R&D performed by majority-owned affiliates of foreign companies in the United States, by selected NAICS industry of affiliate and country: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-13 R&D performed by U.S. multinational companies: 1999–2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-14 R&D performed abroad by majority-owned foreign affiliates of U.S. parent companies, by selected NAICS industry of affiliate and region/country/economy: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-15 U.S. trade balance in research, development, and testing services, by affiliation: 2006–09 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-16 Federal obligations for R&D and R&D plant, by agency and performer: FY 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-17 Federal obligations for R&D, by agency and character of work: FY 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-18 Federal laboratory technology transfer activity indicators, total and selected U.S. agencies: FY 2004 and FY 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-19 International comparisons of gross domestic expenditures on R&D and R&D share of gross domestic product, by region and selected country/economy: 2009 or most recent year View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-20 Expenditures on R&D as share of gross domestic product for all R&D, nondefense R&D, and basic research, by selected country/economy: 2009 or most recent year View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-21 Gross expenditures on R&D by performing sector, by selected country/economy: 2009 or most recent year View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-22 Gross expenditures on R&D by funding source, by selected country/economy: 2009 or most recent year View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-23 Government R&D support by major socioeconomic objectives, by selected region/country: 1981–2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-A Top 10 U.S. states in R&D performance, by sector and intensity: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
4-B Global R&D spending by top 20 corporations: 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file

5. Academic Research and Development

Table Title HTML Data
5-1 R&D expenditures at academic institutions in non-S&E fields: FY 2007–09 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-2 New construction of S&E research space in academic institutions, by field and time of construction: FY 2002–09 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-3 Bandwidth of commodity internet (Internet1) and Internet2 at academic institutions: FY 2005–10 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-4 Institutions with high-performance network connections, by type of institution: FY 2005–09 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-5 Highest internal network speeds, by highest degree granted: FY 2003–09 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-6 Average annual growth rate for employment of SEH doctorate holders, by sector: 1973–2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-7 SEH doctorate holders employed in academia, by years since doctorate: Selected years, 1973–2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-8 Women as percentage of SEH doctorate holders employed in academia, by position: Selected years, 1973–2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-9 Underrepresented minorities as percentage of SEH doctorate holders employed in academia, by position: Selected years, 1973–2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-10 SEH doctorate holders employed in academia, by Carnegie institution type and race/ethnicity: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-11 SEH faculty reporting research as primary work activity, by years since doctorate and degree field: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-12 Full-time SEH graduate students and graduate research assistants at universities and colleges, by degree field: Selected years, 1973–2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-13 SEH doctorate holders and graduate research assistants employed in academia, by Carnegie institution type: 1973–2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-14 SEH doctorate holders with academic employment in postdoc position, by demographic group: Selected years, 1973–2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-15 SEH doctorate holders with academic employment in postdoc position, by Carnegie institution type and years since doctorate: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-16 SEH doctorate holders employed in academia, by years since doctorate, number of postdoc positions held during career, and degree field: 1995 and 2006 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-17 S&E articles in all fields, by country/economy: 1999 and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-18 Share of internationally coauthored S&E articles worldwide, by region/country: 2000 and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-19 International collaboration on S&E articles, by selected region/country: 2000 and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-20 International coauthorship of S&E articles with the United States, by selected country/economy: 2000 and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-21 Index of international collaboration on S&E articles, by selected country/economy pair: 1995 and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-22 U.S. S&E articles, by sector: Selected years, 1995–2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-23 U.S. S&E article coauthorship, by sector, foreign coauthorship, and U.S. coauthor sector: 2000 and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-24 S&E articles, citations, and international citations, by selected region/country: 2000 and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-25 Patent citations to S&E articles, by selected patent technology area and article field: 1998–2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
5-A EPSCoR and EPSCoR-like program budgets, by agency: FY 2001–10 View HTML Table Download Excel file

6. Industry, Technology, and the Global Marketplace

Table Title HTML Data
6-1 Global value added of health and education services, by selected region/country/economy: 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
6-2 Indexes for ICT infrastructure for selected countries, by economic sector: 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
6-3 Global value added for selected service industries, by region/country/economy: Selected years, 1995–2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
6-4 Global value added for manufacturing industries, by selected technology level and region/country/economy: Selected years, 1995–2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
6-5 Exports of high-technology products, by selected product and region/country/economy: Selected years, 1995–2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
6-6 Exports of manufactured products, by selected technology level and region/country/economy: Selected years, 1995–2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
6-7 Stock of U.S. direct investment abroad and foreign direct investment in the United States, by selected industry: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
6-8 USPTO patents granted, by selected technology area: Selected years, 2000–10 View HTML Table Download Excel file
6-9 Activity in USPTO patent grants in selected technology areas, by selected region/country/economy: 2007–10 average View HTML Table Download Excel file
6-10 U.S. high-technology microbusinesses, by number of firms and employment for selected industries: 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
6-11 U.S. venture capital investment, by selected financing stage and industry/technology: Selected years, 2002–10 View HTML Table Download Excel file
6-12 Financial new investment, by selected region/country and energy/technology: 2004–10 View HTML Table Download Excel file
6-13 USPTO patents granted in clean energy and pollution control technologies, by selected area: Selected years, 1995–2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
6-14 Patenting activity in selected clean energy and pollution control technologies, by selected region/country: 2007–10 View HTML Table Download Excel file
6-A Share of global value added for selected industries, by region/country/economy: Selected years, 1995–2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
6-B Value chain of Apple iPad, by location and activity: 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
6-C Patents granted by Brazil, China, India, and Russia, by share of resident and nonresident inventors: Selected years, 1995–2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file

7. Science and Technology: Public Attitudes and Understanding

Table Title HTML Data
7-1 News followed "very closely" by American public: 1996–2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-2 Traditional media coverage on science and technology, by topic area: 2007–10 View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-3 Leading traditional media story lines on science and technology, by topic area: 2009 and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-4 Leading nightly news story lines on science and technology, by topic area: 2009 and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-5 "Most-linked-to" subjects in the new media, by topic area: 2009 and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-6 Visits to informal science and other cultural institutions, by country/region: Most recent year View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-7 Correct answers to factual knowledge and process questions in physical and biological sciences, by sex: 1999–2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-8 Comparison of correct answers given by adults and students to factual knowledge questions: Most recent year View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-9 Correct answers to factual knowledge questions in physical and biological sciences, by country/region: Most recent year View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-10 Correct answers to scientific process questions: Selected years, 1999–2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-11 Public perceptions of various groups' contributions to the well-being of society: 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-12 Public preferences about various groups' influence on decisions about public issues: 2010 or most recent year View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-13 Public perceptions of various groups' understanding of public issues: 2010 or most recent year View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-14 Public perceptions of various groups' impartiality in making policy recommendations about public issues: 2010 or most recent year View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-15 Public perceptions of scientific consensus on public issues: 2010 or most recent year View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-16 Public perceptions of prestige of various occupations: Selected years, 1977–2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-17 Public assessment of potential environmental problems: 1993–2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-18 Public opinion on medical technologies derived from stem cell research: 2010 or most recent year View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-A Online and print information sources: 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-B Correct responses on trend factual knowledge of science scale by longer factual knowledge scale: 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
7-C Comparison of general public's and scientists' attitudes toward specific S&T-related issues: 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file

8. State Indicators

Table Title HTML Data
8-1 Average fourth grade mathematics performance, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-2 Students reaching proficiency in fourth grade mathematics, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-3 Average fourth grade science performance, by state: 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-4 Students reaching proficiency in fourth grade science, by state: 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-5 Average eighth grade mathematics performance, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-6 Students reaching proficiency in eighth grade mathematics, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-7 Average eighth grade science performance, by state: 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-8 Students reaching proficiency in eighth grade science, by state: 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-9 Public school teacher salaries, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-10 Elementary and secondary public school current expenditures as a percentage of gross domestic product, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-11 Current expenditures per pupil for elementary and secondary public schools, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-12 Public high school students taking Advanced Placement Exams, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-13 Public high school students scoring 3 or higher on at least one Advanced Placement Exam, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-14 Public high school students scoring 3 or higher on Advanced Placement Calculus AB Exam, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-15 High school graduates among individuals 25–44 years old, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-16 Bachelor's degrees conferred per 1,000 individuals 18–24 years old, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-17 Bachelor's degrees in science and engineering conferred per 1,000 individuals 18–24 years old, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-18 Bachelor's degrees in natural sciences and engineering conferred per 1,000 individuals 18–24 years old, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-19 Science and engineering degrees as a percentage of higher education degrees conferred, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-20 Natural sciences and engineering degrees as a percentage of higher education degrees conferred, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-21 Science and engineering graduate students per 1,000 individuals 25–34 years old, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-22 Advanced science and engineering degrees as a percentage of S&E degrees conferred, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-23 Advanced natural sciences and engineering degrees as a percentage of NS&E degrees conferred, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-24 Science and engineering doctoral degrees as a percentage of S&E degrees conferred, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-25 Average undergraduate charge at public 4-year institutions, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-26 Average undergraduate charge at public 4-year institutions as a percentage of disposable personal income, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-27 Appropriations of state tax funds for operating expenses of higher education as a percentage of gross domestic product, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-28 State expenditures on student aid per full-time undergraduate student, by state: 2000, 2004, and 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-29 State funding for major public research universities per enrolled student, by state: 2002, 2006, and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-30 Postsecondary degree holders among individuals 25–44 years old, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-31 Bachelor's degree holders among individuals 25–44 years old, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-32 Bachelor's degree holders potentially in the workforce, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-33 Individuals in science and engineering occupations as a percentage of the workforce, by state: 2003 2006, and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-34 Employed science and engineering doctorate holders as a percentage of the workforce, by state: 1997, 2003, and 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-35 Engineers as a percentage of the workforce, by state: 2004, 2007, and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-36 Life and physical scientists as a percentage of the workforce, by state: 2004, 2007, and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-37 Computer specialists as a percentage of the workforce, by state: 2004, 2007, and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-38 Technical workers as a percentage of the workforce, by state: 2004, 2007, and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-39 R&D as a percentage of gross domestic product, by state: 2000, 2004, and 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-40 Federal R&D obligations per employed worker, by state: 2000, 2004, and 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-41 Federal R&D obligations per individual in science and engineering occupation, by state: 2003, 2005, and 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-42 State agency R&D expenditures per $1 million of gross domestic product, by state: 2006 and 2007 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-43 State agency R&D expenditures per employed worker, by state: 2006 and 2007 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-44 State agency R&D expenditures per individual in science and engineering occupation, by state: 2006 and 2007 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-45 Business-performed R&D as a percentage of private-industry output, by state: 2000, 2004, and 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-46 Academic science and engineering R&D per $1,000 of gross domestic product, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-47 Science and engineering doctorates conferred per 1,000 employed S&E doctorate holders, by state: 1997, 2003, and 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-48 Academic science and engineering article output per 1,000 S&E doctorate holders in academia, by state: 1997, 2003, and 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-49 Academic science and engineering article output per $1 million of academic S&E R&D, by state: 2000, 2004, and 2009 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-50 Academic patents awarded per 1,000 science and engineering doctorate holders in academia, by state: 1997, 2003, and 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-51 Patents awarded per 1,000 individuals in science and engineering occupations, by state: 2003, 2006, and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-52 High-technology establishments as a percentage of all business establishments, by state: 2003, 2006, and 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-53 Net high-technology business formations as a percentage of all business establishments, by state: 2004, 2006, and 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-54 Employment in high-technology establishments as a percentage of total employment, by state: 2003, 2006, and 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-55 Average annual federal Small Business Innovation Research funding per $1 million of gross domestic product, by state: 2000–02, 2004–06, and 2008-10 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-56 Venture capital disbursed per $1,000 of gross domestic product, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-57 Venture capital deals as a percentage of high-technology business establishments, by state: 2003, 2006, and 2008 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-58 Venture capital disbursed per venture capital deal, by state: 2000, 2005, and 2010 View HTML Table Download Excel file
8-A 2002 NAICS codes that constitute high-technology industries View HTML Table Download Excel file