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Endocrine Society
News Room

The Endocrine Society Award for Excellence in Science and Medical Journalism

The Endocrine Society Award for Excellence in Science and Medical Journalism honors journalists for outstanding reporting that enhances public understanding of medical and science issues pertaining to the field of endocrinology.

The award is open to all credentialed journalists in print (both "hard" and electronic) or broadcast. Candidates can self-nominate or be nominated by someone else. Only one nomination is permitted for each nominee. Submissions can include any work first published between March 1, 2008 and February 28, 2009.

A nominee must be the author of the submitted article. In the case of collaborative efforts, those involved must determine who is or are the nominee(s). The author must be an employee of: a print or electronic publication; a broadcast or cable station or network; or be a freelance journalist. A nominee may submit only one entry. A series may be judged as one entry if each segment was identified at the time of publication as being part of the series. 

Nominations must be received by The Endocrine Society by March 6, 2009. The award notification will be made on March 31, 2009.

For more information, contact:
Aaron Lohr
The Endocrine Society

Email: alohr@endo-society.org

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