Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan

The SBA's Sustainability Policy is to execute the SBA mission in a manner that preserves the environment. The SBA is committed to helping the federal government lead by example in creating a clean energy economy.

The SBA will accomplish this by:

  • Increasing our energy efficiency
  • Measuring, reporting, and reducing our direct and indirect Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions
  • Eliminating waste, promoting recycling, and preventing pollution
  • Conserving water resources
  • Leveraging SBA's acquisitions to help foster a market for sustainable goods and products
  • Informing and involving employees in achieving these goals
  • Sharing sustainability information with our network of small business customers, and
  • Leveraging best practices shared with us by our customers.

The SBA will integrate its sustainability goals into existing management systems, processes and decision making by implementing this Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan. We will ensure these goals are assessed annually, through internal review, and reported transparently, on the SBA website.

Read the full plan attached below.

Attachments:SBA 2011 Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan

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