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Graphic representing the various Heliophysics disciplines; Sun, Earth, Space Weather, Near-Earth Space and the Magnetosphere.
Science Mission Directorate:

Understanding the Sun, Heliosphere, and Planetary Environments as a single connected system is a goal of the Heliophysics Research Program.

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Aurora over Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada in the early hours of Oct. 8, 2012.

Aurora from Oct. 8, 2012 CME

The CME release on Oct. 4, 2012 has generated a G2-level geomagnetic storm on Earth resulting in aurora in upper latitudes.

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During an eclipse, lack of heat from the sun causes the window in front of SDO’s HMI to change shape resulting in a blurry image (left). The right half shows HMI data at its usual high resolution

Getting NASA's SDO into Focus

From Sept. 6 to Sept. 29, 2012, NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory moved into its semi-annual eclipse season. It takes a little work to re-focus right ...

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SDO captured this eruption on Oct 4, 2012.

Red Hot Solar Ballet

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this minor eruption on the sun on Oct 4, 2012 as it rises and falls with the grace and polished movement ...

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Aurora in Whitehorse Yukon Canada on Oct. 1 resulting from CME on Sept. 27.

CME Causes Colorful Aurora

The CME launched by the sun on Sept. 27 resulted in aurora dipping into the continental U.S. as far south as Maryland and Ohio on Sept. 30, 2012.

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  • SDO is eclipsed by Earth twice annually. This image is from Sept. 6, 2012.

    SDO Enters Its Semiannual Eclipse Season

    Twice a year, for three weeks near the equinox, SDO moves into its eclipse season -- a time when Earth blocks its view of the sun for a period of time each day

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