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Fuels and Fuel Additives

Submitting Reports

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Central Data Exchange (CDX)

EPA allows regulated parties to submit and certify required reports electronically via EPA's data portal, Central Data Exchange (CDX). CDX enables fast, efficient and more accurate environmental data submissions from state and local governments, industry and tribes to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and regulated parties.

EPA's fuels programs use the CDX to provide the regulated community a highly secure online submission and signature system for parties that must report. CDX can be used to submit any electronic (spreadsheet, CSV, text file) version of EPA's part 80 fuels reports (Reformulated Gasoline, Diesel Sulfur, Gasoline Sulfur, and Renewable Fuel Standard) at the same time and on the same spreadsheet, CSV or text file.

Particularly for Fuels Programs, CDX is utilized for five data flows. The five data flows are:

Confidential Business Information:

In accordance with 40 CFR 2.301(h), EPA has determined that it is necessary to provide access to certain information submitted to us under Title II of the Clean Air Act to specific contractors, subcontractors, and grantees (collectively referred to as “contractors”). This information may be claimed as confidential business information (CBI). We have issued a Federal Register notice that describes this access.

Getting an Account:

EPA does not charge users or companies for access to any of the five OTAQ CDX data flows.

To access one or all of the first four flows above (EnviroFlash is one-time subscription and does not require a CDX account), users must set up a CDX account and follow specific registration procedures found on the reporting registration page. In addition, EPA requires specific delegation letters and responsibility letters based on the type of user and association. For more information, please visit the registration letters web page.

The use of CDX is open to any company that must submit reports to the EPA's fuels programs. Each CDX account is tied to an individual user who may submit for multiple companies, including joint ventures, if properly delegated.

Note: Users may not share accounts. CDX accounts are for individual persons not companies. Submitting information to the EPA under another person's account or name is a violation of the CDX policy and may be considered a crime.

OTAQDCFuels is the only fuels application that requires an electronic signature for encryption purposes. The fuels programs will cover CDX costs for up to five users from each company. The other flows do not require an electronic signature.

OTAQDCFUEL: OTAQ DC FUEL Application for Submitting Reports to EPA

The OTAQ DCFuel application for submitting reports to EPA utilizes Electronic Signature Agreements (ESAs) to streamline the processes for registration, data submission, and copy of record retrieval. Please note, the OTAQ DCFuel application is not a substitute for the title 40 CFR Part 80 recordkeeping requirements. Companies are still required to maintain copies of reports and other documents per the regulations.

EPA suggests that you keep your Java Runtime up-to-date. Please note, that while EPA has thoroughly tested the DCFuel application, certain corporate IT configurations may prohibit users from accessing this application and therefore may impact a user's ability to use the updated system. If you encounter any technical issues, please contact the CDX helpdesk (888-890-1995). Any non-technical, fuels program related issues should continue to be submitted to the fuels programs support line (202-343-9755 or EPAFuelsPrograms@epa.gov).

Interactive tutorial for OTAQ DCFuel application for submitting reports to EPA

User guides for OTAQ DCFuel application for submitting reports to EPA

Company Delegate Report Submissions:

Responsible corporate officers or RCOs (as defined by the fuels programs) may, in addition to personally signing up and submitting online, delegate the ability to submit reports to EPA's fuels programs to another person in the organization. This delegation does not delegate responsibility, just the ability to submit the company's reports. This type of delegation is only allowed through the DCFuels application and not the alternative filing submission.

Note: An RCO delegation is only allowed through the DCFuels application and not the alternative filing submission.

Third Party Report Submissions:

RCOs may delegate the ability to submit reports to a third party.

RCOs can delegate this ability for third party agents by first sending the responsible corporate officer agent delegation letter during registration and then the responsible corporate officer agent report submission letter on company letter head to the EPA after each report submission the third party makes for the RCO. For more information on the delegation and responsibility letter, please visit the registration letters web page.

Consultants and agents who would like to sign up to submit reports through CDX on behalf of their clients must first contact EPA Fuels Programs Support by e-mail at EPAFuelsPrograms@epa.gov.

Each agent must follow the appropriate instructions on the reporting registration page, and submit the agent responsibility letter. After the agent has been processed, he or she must download and follow the Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) DCFUEL User Guide (PDF) (73pp, 2.28M, EPA-B-11-027b, August 3, 2011)

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If you have questions or request information, please contact the appropriate support or help line found on the Support & Help page.

Please visit EPA's Transportation and Air Quality web-based repository of mobile source documents, Document Index System (DIS). This searchable repository contains regulations, Federal Register notices, policy letters, and guidance documents.

Please visit our Related Links page for other fuel related information within EPA, other U.S. Agencies, and other fuel related websites.

This page is maintained by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ).
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